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Uninstalled programs still appear in CCleaner


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I have recently uninstalled Microsoft Office, VNVViewer, and MSN Messenger, but in the list of applications CCleaner offers to clean they still appear. I have found the registry key for each program that I had to remove manually to remove them from the listings, but I think CCleaner should do that for me, or at least detect when the program is no longer installed (preferably remove the keys too though).

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I have recently uninstalled Microsoft Office, VNVViewer, and MSN Messenger, but in the list of applications CCleaner offers to clean they still appear. I have found the registry key for each program that I had to remove manually to remove them from the listings, but I think CCleaner should do that for me, or at least detect when the program is no longer installed (preferably remove the keys too though).

Hi scriptdaemon,

CCleaner will delete those keys if you go Tools > Uninstall >(Highlight what is to be deleted) Delete.

Also CCleaner is designed to be be as safe as possible.I would not use a cleaner that automatically deletes anything without my consent.

Remember when installing or uninstalling software,it is best to Reboot as soon as possible after doing so.This avoids many problems and much confusion. You may have already done so.

Following these basic practices,identifies when and where problems occur.

It is standard practice for "experienced" users to do this for each install or uninstall.

One at a time,is the trick.

That way you don't reboot tomorrow morning and have a mess on your hands.


New Users Advice

However all inexperienced users be warned DO NOT uninstall or delete anything using this tool because it may not be doing what you think.

DO NOT THINK that CCleaner is telling you to delete something.Quite the contrary,CCleaner cleans or uninstalls or deletes what YOU TELL IT to do.

Unfortunately some new users mistakenly think the Tools > Uninstall feature is advising them to Uninstall or Delete something.

DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.New users must keep all their programs at least until they become more experienced.

Uninstalling programs is not a normal activity.It should only be done after careful consideration.

Programs and their corresponding files and Registry settings should only be "Uninstalled".

"Deleting" programs or their Registry keys is a very abnormal and rare activity.This is an unusual situation.

Programs do things for you.Programs cost money.The presence of certain software on your computer can get you discounts on future products.

Uninstalling programs does not make your PC faster.It gives you back very little disk space.

The corresponding files may be large and can be deleted manually.

You may not use the program now but you might want to later.Some software inter-relates with other software.

Best thing is hands-off for at least a year or two.


Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008.

http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.


Best wishes to all,

:) davey

Edited by davey
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Regarding the former portion of your post, it's different when I uninstall through add/remove programs. I think it would be better if CCleaner identified when I uninstall a program that way and delete the keys I described accordingly.


And technically, in my eyes, no registry cleaner I have ever used has deleted things without my consent, as it gives you a list of found items and lets me choose which ones I think it should delete.

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Regarding the former portion of your post, it's different when I uninstall through add/remove programs. I think it would be better if CCleaner identified when I uninstall a program that way and delete the keys I described accordingly.


And technically, in my eyes, no registry cleaner I have ever used has deleted things without my consent, as it gives you a list of found items and lets me choose which ones I think it should delete.

Hi again scriptdaemon,

Your handle says it all.

This statement is what made me think you wanted CCleaner to automatically delete the keys.

" but I think CCleaner should do that for me, or at least detect when the program is no longer installed (preferably remove the keys too though)."

Just a mis-communication that is all.


The average PC user only needs the Cleaner function of CCleaner.

The Registry integrity cleaner function and the Tools function are not needed by most PC users.

These functions require more advanced knowledge than the average user has.They are advised and warned not use them.It is more than just asking is it OK to delete this or that.If you have to ask you are definitely advised DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.You computer has served you well so far.


You will find that the CCleaner Registry integrity function differs from other "deep scan" Registry cleaners.This accounts for many differences in "invalid" entry counts between CCleaner and other "heavy" cleaners".Please remember it is mainly designed for user safety concerns first.

After the initial fixing of selected issues,another scan for issues is necessary and so forth until no further issues remain.


Personally I have never needed more than 2 scans and fixes.And my Registry was in pretty bad shape overall when I first started using the Registry cleaner.Luckily I had not run into the "wrong" software along the way.The problems were due to lack of knowledge during PC hangs and such and the user would just pull the plug on many occasions. :lol: Honestly,it was not me.I have more respect for computer circuitry,hard drives,data bases,the Registry and such.

CCleaner is a compromise weighted in favor of the "less experienced" user than it is for the "highly advanced" user.


Regarding the Tools > Uninstall function,this is not a "special uninstall" function.The listing just shows more detail than MS Add/Remove Programs function.If you select the Uninstall button in CCleaner,it does nothing special but uses the Uninstaller program that came with the Application Program.The Uninstall program from the software manufacturer is responsible for Deleting corresponding files and proper resetting of Registry keys.

Unfortunately some manufacturers will do a poor job of keeping the Uninstall program updated with the development and evolution of their software.

I always recommend to any user to check with the software manufacturer first before uninstalling any product.Many have developed special uninstall software and clean-up tools for certain products.

It never seems sufficient to run the original "uninstall" program now-a-days.


I hope you realize that this information is meant more for other new members than for you personally.

We are all learning here.

Best wishes,

:) davey

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I understand CCleaner wants to be "new user" friendly, and I completely support that. I'm not really asking for it to become a heavy cleaner, I just think it should recognize when I've uninstalled a program so it would no longer appear in the application cleaner listing, and I figure that would require it to delete the key it looks for for each program that was uninstalled (or look for a different key to determine if it is still actually installed or not).

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I just think it should recognize when I've uninstalled a program so it would no longer appear in the application cleaner listing, and I figure that would require it to delete the key it looks for for each program that was uninstalled

If the programmer that coded the un-installer would remove ALL registry entries added by the install program then it would make CCleaner's job much easier.


That's why there are applications like Total Uninstall to monitor application installs and help remove all traces of the install.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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If the programmer that coded the un-installer would remove ALL registry entries added by the install program then it would make CCleaner's job much easier.


That's why there are applications like Total Uninstall to monitor application installs and help remove all traces of the install.


Unfortunately I don't think it'll be anything more than a dream.

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