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unit conversion program, create any units


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Unit Converter Pro is an enhanced units conversion program which allows you easily to create any units you want and as many as you want.

Hi naisy,

Haven't checked out that program.

Many on this forum are converts to Convert.If it's good enough for NASA it's good enough for me.

I have installed it on every PC I come in contact with.For those who don't need any more units.

Convert http://joshmadison.com/article/convert-for-windows

:) davey

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I use VB so I made my own conversion utility 10 years ago. It will convert Area, Force, Fuel Consumption, Length (Distance), Mass (Weight), Power, Pressure, Temperature, Torque (Turning Force), Velocity (Speed) and Volume (Capacity). I can add anything you want to convert.


If you want me to post it then let me know. No one has downloaded my other posts so you can please yourself. ;)



Windows XP 2002 SP3

IE 7.0




Rorshach112 is the best

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Hi Keith, I'd be more than happy to have your converter in my collection of utilities, and to be honest I can't say I've noticed your other stuff. But that's my bad.


Post any of your other goodies as well if you think they'd be useful. I'm pretty confident people will have taken advantage of the stuff you've posted, but not everyone is a member, and not every member takes the trouble to post an acknowledgement.

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Ok Dennis.


Here is the conversion utility. I haven't added all the things you can convert because I only made it for the students at college where I work. So if you want anything else adding then just let me know. I will even call it Dennis's Conversion Utility. ;)


P.S. I don't know if you are using Vista but I'm told that Vista doesn't support the older Windows help files which this one has Conversion.hlp. It will work ok on WinXP. Any one that does use Vista please download and let me know. ;)


I've posted a Shortcut Arrows app that remove those annoying little arrows on desktop shortcuts. Just do a search for Shortcut Arrows.


P.P.S. These apps are made with Visual Basic 6.0 therefore you need to basic runtime files installed to run them. Win2k/XP/Vista have these installed as a standard installation. Let me know of any problems.


P.P.P.S I forgot to mension I made this app for work so you will find that it saves a Results.dat file in the app folder. This just logs the time when the student opened the file and when they closed it so we know how long they use them for.





Windows XP 2002 SP3

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Rorshach112 is the best

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Thanks keith, and if you can come up with something that can covert my debits into credits, that would be really neat. :lol:


Using Xp by the way.



Edit: I've got one for you. My car displays my consumption as Litres per 100 kilometres. I've given up trying to work that one out in miles per gallon.


It's probably easy, but it does my head in.

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Thanks keith, and if you can come up with something that can covert my debits into credits, that would be really neat. :lol:

That would be neat Dennis.

Edit: I've got one for you. My car displays my consumption as Litres per 100 kilometres. I've given up trying to work that one out in miles per gallon.

Well this will covert it for you.


This app will convert


Kilometres Per Litre (km/l) to Miles Per Gallon (mpg)

Kilometres Per Litre (km/l) to Miles Per Gallon US (US mpg)

Miles Per Gallon (mpg) to Kilometres Per Litre (km/l)

Miles Per Gallon US (US mpg) to Kilometres Per Litre (km/l)


I've found Shortcut Arrows ;)



Windows XP 2002 SP3

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Rorshach112 is the best

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I noticed the litres to miles per gallons conversion, but I don't think it's quite the same as converting "litres per 100 kilometres" to "miles per gallon".


Unless there's something really simple I'm missing, and before anyone says "a brain", I've beat you to it.


This one makes my head ache.

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I noticed the litres to miles per gallons conversion, but I don't think it's quite the same as converting "litres per 100 kilometres" to "miles per gallon".

Well I've had a long day at work, just finished. You give me the forumla and I will add it. All the conversion formula's are in the Conversion.hlp file. ;)



Windows XP 2002 SP3

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Rorshach112 is the best

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Give you the formula. :lol:


That sounds too technical for me mate. All I can say is the computer read out in the car tells me, for example, that I'm using 14 litres for every 100 kilometres I drive, and that figure goes up and down like a yo-yo.


I look at that and try in my head to convert that to miles per gallon. When my brain starts to hurt, I give up and concentrate on driving again.


Hells teeth!! This is a car made for the UK market. Why can't they just make it say miles per gallon.


They can put the steering wheel on the right side of the motor, and the speed in miles per hour. Wouldn't have taken an Einstein to make the computer say miles per gallon, or even miles per litre.


Seriously though Keith, you don't have to make your converter do this. I'm probably the only one coming here who would use it. Give it to the students where you work as an exercise, but don't forget to tell me the answer. :)

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Give you the formula. :lol:


That sounds too technical for me mate. All I can say is the computer read out in the car tells me, for example, that I'm using 14 litres for every 100 kilometres I drive, and that figure goes up and down like a yo-yo.

Uh Oh. My IE7Pro spell checker must only have American English.It doesn't like the English spelling of litres and kilometres.I just added the English spelling to the dictionary.That's neat.I have been looking for that feature.

Dennis are sure there is not a control or button to change that readout to MPG.Most cars here have this feature.You know what they say,"When all else fails, read the instructions". :P

:) davey

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Dennis are sure there is not a control or button to change that readout to MPG.Most cars here have this feature.You know what they say,"When all else fails, read the instructions". :P

:) davey


Certain Davey, it has about half a dozen different readouts, and not one of them is of any use whatsoever.


It's a toy. Instead of putting something useless like this inside a motor, something useful, like maybe a reversing sensor, would have been good idea.

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Certain Davey, it has about half a dozen different readouts, and not one of them is of any use whatsoever.


It's a toy. Instead of putting something useless like this inside a motor, something useful, like maybe a reversing sensor, would have been good idea.

Forced Metricfication!!!

Of course the spell checker did not like my made-up word.

My first spelling was acceptable Metrication http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication

I found the following very acceptable.

"The United Kingdom and Saint Lucia are officially in the process of conversion, although the UK has been granted permanent exemptions by the EU for the mile and yard in road markings, and for the pint for beer and milk".

Don't want to confuse Dad and Mom,do we. :P


Is your speedo set for MPH or KPH ? This may affect your other read outs as well.

Drop me a PM with your car specs and I'll get you a definitive answer/solution.

For your reading amusement. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-378775/metric

:) davey

P.S. Had to add "speedo" to my dictionary also. :lol:

Edited by davey
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