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Defraggler suggestions


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Defraggler includes a command line defragger it is: df.exe


Usage instructions:


Piriform Defraggler (Command-Line Version)Usage:"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" /?"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" /L [/debug]"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" <drive> [/debug]"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" <item> [<item>] [/s] [/debug]/? Show this message./L List all supported drives.<drive> Defrag drive.<item> Defrag file or folder. This option can be set multiple times, butall items must be on the same drive./S Recurse into subfolders.Examples:"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" C:Defrag drive C:"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" "C:\Program Files"Defrag "C:\Program Files" folder."C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" "C:\Program Files" /SDefrag "C:\Program Files" folder and recurses into sub folders."C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" "C:\Windows\*.exe"Defrag all executables inside "C:\Windows" folder.


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Hello patrox82,

Welcome to the forums. :D

I am a little confused as to your meaning.

The CCleaner program is available in approx. 35 languages.

Is this what you mean or are you meaning translation of other things. Are you referring to Defraggler and not CCleaner as stated in your post ? Maybe this what you meant. I am not sure.

:) davey


As far i can understand of french language, patrox82 is simply asking

to localize Defraggler in other languages.



max_sig.gif Guide in italiano per CCleaner - Recuva - Defraggler - Speccy

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Have some suggestions on this great program:



1. Registry defrag

2. Option to delete a file in the "File List" view as when you sort by size, you often notice old files that you no longer need. Just adding to the right-click context menu would be great to quickly delete them and get rid of.

3. If option 2 can be done, maybe another option to also see all files on the drive (i.e. include view of files in 1 fragment) as only 2+ are currently shown


Thanks B)

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b]1.)[/b] The ability to change priority to background (low) to Normal, is a great idea. Keep it!

2.) Defraggler is missing one thing, a shut-down tick-box (as previously mentioned). This is nice for those that shut their PC down at night but would like to set it on defrag mode while they sleep. Even a log-off/lock workstation option would be nice!

3.) Multiple-Volume simultaneous defragging. Nobody likes to wait to go to the next drive!

4.) Include/Exclude Files & Folders setting. Would like to keep some files from ever moving with this program (System files, for instance.)

5.) The ability to schedule defragmentations (not via scheduled tasks, but within the program)

6.) The ability to select certain files, and re-arrange them on the drive the way you want them.

.:.:.a.) For example, move the entire Windows folder to the front (edge) of the drive for faster boot times.

.:.:.b.) The ability to move certain files (Again, the %WINDIR%) all together for quicker boot time.

.:.:.c.) The ability to move rarely used files to the center of the drive (archival method)

7.) A screen-saver mode would be absolutely fantastic!

8.) Allow an end user to modify the characteristics of the program. For example, allow him or her to create a "macro" (for lack of a better word), to defragment free-space first (maybe even twice), then defrag the drive, then defragment free-space again, thus making one, fully defragged, contiguous block of data, and one contiguous block of free-space.

9.) More detail in the disc display area. Less blocks, perhaps use a system variant such as the way Diskeeper displays bars instead of blocks?

10.) I would also like to see this, since it is not shown in any other program I know of... the ability to click on a "block" (say a red, fragmented block) and view exactly what file it is.



ok I am going to start out with.. I like a program called "Diskeeper" it is very nice. The best part is that it allows you to schedule when you want to defrag your drive. second best part is it runs in the back ground and waits for time periods when the drive isn't being used much to defrag. it is a very robust program that integrates into windows defrag so that it will go to diskkeeper when you select defrag.


anyway, I want to say that defraggler couldn't become like diskeeper because first... we don't want it integrating into windows... then it couldn't become portable... second... to allow this program to portable it could use a scheduling agent built in, but it wouldn't be useful for portablility because do you want it defragging someone else's computer when you plug it into there computer with your usb drive? is that even a good idea? no... but to make programming easier, you could integrate with windows task scheduler easliy. I used to hate windows task scheduler, because I was always worried about loosing that task or not being able to take a task I like to another computer, but you can copy tasks from task scheduler to anywhere then drag them back into task scheduler on any computer. so you could keep a back up of the task to apply to any computer. which is what makes integration into task scheduler so easy.


I will be honest.. I want defraggler to be more like diskkeeper is. I have it installed on all my computer and am very happy with it. only thing that would get me to change is a FREE program like this that had many of the advanced features of diskkeeper like schedules and low priority defragging... these days I hate installing programs .. the less I have to install into windows and the more I can run portable the better.


this talk about making the drive more efficent by putting files at the outside or inside of the drive is crapola

Windows defragmentor does that already... it is supposed to make more used files faster and less used file slower... I know that a defragmentor program in principal just takes a file that is physically broken into many parts and is all across the drive and puts it in one contiguous block to make it run faster and easier to find what it needs. for 80% of people that should be enough... what the heck are you doing that you need it to run more effiecent than that? downloading illegal files 24/7 and filling up your drive like that? or are you at work and constantly using programs to run models or super heavy calculations? most machines will see a HUGE performance gain with a regular defrag schedule of once a week or even once a month. unless you are gaming, downloading/uploading 100 files at once,a developer, or using your computer in a heavy corp environment you don't need files put on place on the drive that will get the fastest seek time, because you probably won't notice the millisecond performance increase. most people who use there machine for gaming, or developing should be reloading their windows machine often anyway, because windows sucks at efficency. that is why in a corp environment it is standard to replace machines every 2-4 years... it saves on costly repairs that can happen with heavily used computers over time and it also ensures your aren't falling behind on technology that could make your computer faster and keep yourself competitive. that is why leasing is better in a corp environment because usually during that lease period the computer is under warranty the whole time so repairs are covered and total cost of ownership on a PC actually goes up over time because of repairs and upgrades. it is actually cheaper to keep it for 3 years, return the machine and get a new one that again is covered under warranty.


wowie I can blah blah blah can't I.. sorry...

I like defraggler and have tried it several times but it needs several things to make it better... development and testing to get the kinks out is most important. I am not saying it doesn't work great for me cause it does. testing needs to be done more and that is why it is beta.

I think defraggler will become a great program that I will use as much or more than CCleaner and I look forward to another great application I can convert to portable.

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1) Defrag the MFT and directories. Or does Defraggler defrag directories too ? Like CONTIG from Sysinternals does ?


2) Anyone who asks for a option to defrag the registry is unaware that the registry consists of more than one file. These files have names like "software", "system", "security", "sam" and "NTUSER.DAT" and regularly show up in the filelist of Defraggler. The reason why these files show up is that Windows backups these files when a socalled "Recovery point" is created.

When all these individual files are defragmented, the entire registry is defragmented as well !! Or defragging the entire "C:\windows" (Windows XP) directory does the trick as well.


3) Add a (simple) "Compact" mode/option: I'll explain below.

Situation before compacting:


AAAA . . . BBBB . . . CCCCCCC . . DDDD . . . .


(A, B, C, D represent occupied diskclusters with clusters from files named A, B, C and D. A dot (.) represents a free cluster)


Situation after compacting:


AAAA BBBB CCCCCCC DDDD . . . . . . . . . . . .




AAAA BBBB DDDD CCCCCCC . . . . . . . . . . . .


4) I thought the option "Defrag free space" would compact the disk like suggested under 3) but it has different algorithm / a logic of its own. So, perhaps "Defrag free space" and/or "Defrag free space (allow fragmentation)" option could be replaced with a "compact" option ?


5) In order to give Windows more space to operate: Leave always the first free, say 20 MB, 30 MB, 40 MB or 0.5% or 1% diskspace free. I do sometimes get the impression that Windows after a run with Defraggler, Windows is running more slowly, less fast.


6)An option that allows the user to decide whether a filename is to disappear from the filelist with defragmented files after it has been defragmented.

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


A discussion always stimulates the braincells !!!

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Many many thanks for your programs! Here is my tip:


Would be very easy to implement and useful to add a column to the file list with the result of dividing the size of file and his number of fragments.

With this, the user could order this column from smallest to biggest "size per fragment", and defragment only the firsts files of the column. I this way we could make the most defragmentation with the less hard disk work.

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I uninstalled my Diskeeper Lite for this product. I love the user interface and how it breaks down every file that is fragmented. I don't have any suggestions as of right now but I do appreciate the fact that whenever I do I can post it here.

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It would be great to have an option for df.exe to create a task.


And another option to create a task not only for a specified date/time, but also for "computer is idle" (Windows taskplanner has such an option).

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The "Defrag Folder..." is useful, but I would like to be able to select multiple folders for defragmentation (with checkboxes).


For example all folders in my C: drive except for one.

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Great to have the Scheduler available now.


Could we possibly have the Date/Time" and maybe a "Type" of Defrag displayed somewhere on the drive's status line. This would be bunches easier than having to look in Windows "Scheduled Tasks" every so often to insure it ran and when! Thanks.

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hey, i think i've got a great idea, what about making so the program can shut down the computer after the defrag is done..?

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hey, i think i've got a great idea, what about making so the program can shut down the computer after the defrag is done..?



Simple command file (2 lines):


c:\progra~1\defraggler\df.exe x:

shutdown -s -f


...there ya go...put it in the task scheduler if desired or execute manually from a desktop link

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I love the idea to include screensaver functionality into defraggler. It totally makes sense to always defrag a little here and a little there.

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Hi I have a suggestion that you really need to consider and hopefully put in for the next version.


Defraggler needs a 'shutdown after frag' checkbox so you can set it to defrag and when its

finished it can close and shut down the pc.


Most decent ones have this option so you can leave it at night say and have large jobs done while you

are doing something else (like sleeping lol).


This would be a really cool and very helpful feature for those large slow jobs.


Thanks :D

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Another suggestion: A "move files towards the end of the drive" option. This could come in the form of a check box option in the filelist. This would enable moving all or selected files towards the end of the drive when defragging manually individual selected files

System setup: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/gcNzIPEjEb0B2khOOBVCHPc


A discussion always stimulates the braincells !!!

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Hello there is one function i'm really missing from other programs, and that is the ability to minimize to tray.

I know CCleaner has it and i thought it would be in Defraggler too.


I would really love this i hope someone agrees with me...

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My suggestion is to add a box in where you can write a number of how many defrags you want defraggler to do, like 20x times in a row or something.

I usually have my computer running at night and thought it might be like more awesome if defraggler continued to defrag the HDD through the whole night instead of like just doing one defrag.

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a usefull idea : save the configuration of the soft : position and size of the differents parts of the soft.


(Sorry for my poor english)

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I really like this program. I have a couple of ideas that hopefully might make it into a future version.


1) In the file list, have a running total (Lower right?) of the number of files selected when selecting files...


2) In the blocky window at the top, have the ability to click on a fragmented block and be taken to that file in the list.


3) When Defraggler doesn't have focus, it should show the percentage in the taskbar. This would be very handy when I'm multitasking.


Thanks for an incredible program.

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Defraggler is one of the fastest and most helpful defragger tools. The option to defrag manually selected files is very helpful und very time-saving.


What do you think about the possibility to move files to end of the disk? For seldom used files this can be very comfortable.

Additionally, the file date should be displayed in the file list tab for sorting purposes.


And in the case of "defrag disk" or "defrag freespace", these files at the end of the disk should be optionally ignored.


Until now I was very impressed of JKDefrag, which automatically moves "space hogs" to the end of the disk. But it's very time-consuming to do a full optimization, because many files are moved which are not needed to. In this case Defraggler is really intelligent.

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