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I have two brosers, IE and Firefox.


If I use IE then use CC before shutting down everything that is noted - in terms of MB's to be cleaned - is removed.


If I use Firefox, or even a combination of both browsers, when I use CC only 50% is removed.




No doubt to many of you this doesn't qualify as a great mystery but it does leave me wondering why. :unsure:


Thank You

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I have two brosers, IE and Firefox.


If I use IE then use CC before shutting down everything that is noted - in terms of MB's to be cleaned - is removed.


If I use Firefox, or even a combination of both browsers, when I use CC only 50% is removed.




No doubt to many of you this doesn't qualify as a great mystery but it does leave me wondering why. :unsure:


Thank You


There should be a message that Firefox can't be cleaned while open if you try to run CCleaner while Firefox is open.

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On occasions, after all my firefox windows have been closed, I have to open the task manager, click on processes tab and click "end process" for the firefox entry. That is the only way I can get CCleaner to do its job..short of a reboot.


Sometimes it doesn't like giving up gracefully

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On occasions, after all my firefox windows have been closed, I have to open the task manager, click on processes tab and click "end process" for the firefox entry. That is the only way I can get CCleaner to do its job..short of a reboot.


Sometimes it doesn't like giving up gracefully


Thats not a problem with CCleaner. Thats a problem with your install of Firefox. If Firefox is still running in Task Manager after you have closed the Firefox window than Firefox is not shutting down properly.

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Thats what I mean't, although it may not have sounded like it. I wasn't blaming CCleaner. I mean't firefox not shutting down properly could be the reason for CCleaner not doing its job..


If you have any ideas how to cure the Firefox problem, I'm all ears. :)

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Thats what I mean't, although it may not have sounded like it. I wasn't blaming CCleaner. I mean't firefox not shutting down properly could be the reason for CCleaner not doing its job..


If you have any ideas how to cure the Firefox problem, I'm all ears. :)


I have never had that problem with Firefox but if I did the first thing I would suspect is a bad extension or skin. I wold run Firefox in Firefox safe mode which you can do from the start menu. This will disable all extensions and themes and make Firefox like it was when you first installed it. Use it like this and see if you still have the problem. If you don't than you know it's a extension or theme. If you still have the problem than it's something else and you go from there.

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