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Tech TV


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Did anyone here used to watch tech tv? I did, I loved the shows "call for help" and "the screen savers" but since they were put out of business they no longer play those shows. Now all they do is crappy video game stuff (and I do like games but those shows are terrible). well now the old tech tv( leo laporte, kevin rose, yoshi, and patrick norton) crew have quit g4 and are starting their own programming over the net. They have podcasts called "This Week in Tech" or TWIT that can be downloaded and listened to with WMP here: http://thisweekintech.com/. Also kevin rose is doing his own stuff with video called system ( http://systm.org/ ). The only problem it that the downloads are in bittorent, and I have no clue how to get them to work. Can someone tell me what I need to get them to work and exactly how to do it.


Thanks alot.



And yes I know I am a geek for wanting to watch this, but they do truly help people learn about computers.

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Thanks Tarun that program worked perfectly. The show that I downloaded was pretty cool. They built a device where they could hack into unencrypted wireless cameras and see what it was taping.

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