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Home Users: A Public Health Problem?


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To the average home user, security is an intractable problem. Microsoft has made great strides improving the security of their operating system "out of the box," but there are still a dizzying array of rules, options, and choices that users have to make. How should they configure their anti-virus program? What sort of backup regime should they employ? What are the best settings for their wireless network? And so on and so on and so on.


How is it possible that we in the computer industry have created such a shoddy product? How have we foisted on people a product that is so difficult to use securely, that requires so many add-on products?


I?m sure that many of the things Bruce points out about computers at some point or another applied to automobiles or just about any other technologically interesting and complex device. There was a time, in the early days of the automobile, when any idiot with the money could go 75 mph with no requirement for training, safety equipment, or sobriety - let alone a license. As Bruce says, eventually that kind of thing becomes a public health issue and then society begins to enforce constraints. The question, to me, is whether the whole thing is just a matter of time? Perhaps human societies "learn" about new safety problems slowly and painfully - and we just need time to build new ideas into the popular consciousness.


When I was growing up, there was just one kid in my entire high school who had a computer. Today, it seems that every kid above the age of eight is a Windows system administrator. And some of them are better at it than you might expect. That's because they grew up doing it, and the human brain appears to be able to integrate amazingly complex tasks as "normal" as long as we're introduced to them early enough. My wife, who grew up on horseback, becomes an extension of her horse's body as he infers her intent?whereas I sit on P-nut's back and negotiate every detail of every step on the trail. Bruce, I think the problem is not with all the home users?I think it's with the adult home users.

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The best antivirus is the user :). Some of the posts in the HJT forum have recurring infections of the same virus!

I agree. Common sense goes a very long way.

The internet - Where men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents.

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Agreed...except for the fact that a lot of people don't realize that they need these programs...I know many people who's virus protection is adequate, but they don't have spyware prevention programs, and it just screws everything up. Some of the stories I can tell you about helping my friends out.... my god.... you'd be crying.



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