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Hamas Micky Mouse


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Is political discussion allowed here?


I'm by no means sympathizing with Hamas, but I'd like to see more than one 'translation'... you know? That very well could be 100% accurate, but it could also be a big load of malarky. I'll reserve judgment until I see both sides :\.

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As long as people don't get nasty with one another I don't see anything wrong with political discussion.


I get what your saying about wanting to see things from both sides but in this case its pretty clear cut who is wrong. These people are releasing videos that are intended to brainwash their kids into basically becoming terrorists. Watch the video there is no other real way to see it. Even the palastinian government has released a statment pleading with hamas to quit releasing these videos. I saw the statment on cnn's or fox's website.

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If what they are saying has nothing to do with what we think they are saying, then there is an issue. If they really are educating kids on... something other than terrorism... then great! But if that translation is accurate, then they deserve what's coming to 'em, you know? And without speaking the language (and the dialect) fluently, you don't know one way or the other.

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That video has been all over major news media like fox/cnn/msnbc and just about every news paper worth mentioning. If that wasn't what they were really saying there would have been a huge scandal by now.

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It may indeed be wrongly interoperated but they are listed as a terrorist organization and as with most terrorist groups it is best to get them young and keep them stupid. It was very much like that during the 2nd world war when natzis would brainwash young German kids to spy on their own parents and report them or others if they were seen to be conspiring with the enemy


However like you said there is always two sides to the story and to some they are terrorists and to others they are freedom fighters

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