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Posts posted by RBMunkin

  1. I see no way of actually contacting the company so I'm posting it here.

    I just wanted to let you know that I am uninstalling Ccleaner because of your constant pop up windows asking me to upgrade! It's annoying as hell. 

    My advice: STOP IT! I know I don't want to upgrade. I don't have to be asked constantly. 


  2. On 10/02/2021 at 23:21, nukecad said:

    The defaults in Custom Clean are simply the apps/items that most people would want to have cleaned, you can change them of course by ticking/unticking the categories.

    If you use Health Check instead of Custom Clean than that also has it's own set of defaults, mostly the same as Custom Cleans defaults but with a few more.
    You can tell it to leave something alone but you have to do that every time that you run Health Check. You cannot change what Health Check cleans by default.

    Just to refine the link that Hazelnut gave you, these describe the Custom Clean categories that you will see on the 'Windows' and 'Applications' tabs:

    If you want to see deeper into what files each of the Custom Clean categories is finding on your machine then:
    Right-Click on the category you want to look at.
    In the popup menu click 'Analyze ........'.
    In the results window click on anything found to see a list of files found to clean. (You can shortcut that by setting Options>Advanced>'Cleaning results level of detail' to 'File list').

    Of course that will only show something if there is something there to be cleaned.

    Great information! Thanks nukecad!

  3. 23 hours ago, nukecad said:

    That seems quick for Disk Clean-up to have run a system files clean up, especially just after a Patch Tuesday.

    Did you select Clean up system files? Were all the boxes ticked?

    And just in case it helps work things out, what is that filename at the top of the CCleaner results window when it's stuck?

    You could try using Health Check to see if that will clear it, but I suspect it will also get stuck.
    Be aware that Health Check Uses it's own rules and does not respect the ticks/unticks from Custom Clean.

    If you have not done a "Restart" (not a shutdown) for a while then that can often 'unstick' system files.

    I couldn't post yesterday. Apparently there is a limit to the number of posts in a given day and I reached the limit!

    I'm on a different computer writing this...I decided to restart the computer (why not a shutdown?). It's not restarting. Just says it is and to not turn off the computer. But what choice do I have if it isn't restarting? I guess I have to just hold down the power button to shut it down and then try restarting. Ugh. Something wrong with that computer :(

  4. 18 minutes ago, nukecad said:

    The clean is getting stuck on 'System - Temporary Files'.
    (I can't make out the filename itself; looks like 'Amd%.ini' or something similar?)

    You could try unticking that category to see if CCleaner will finish then.
    But that isn't realy solving the problem, only bypassing it, so:

    Run the built in Windows 'Disk Clean-up' selecting 'Clean up system files' - It will take a while to complete, 30 minutes plus is not unusual.

    That should clear out whatever system file it is that CCleaner is getting stuck on.

    PS. It looks like you had CCleaner open (and stuck) while trying to uninstall it, that would stop it uninstalling until you closed it.

    Hi again, I did what you suggested. Disk Clean Up did not help. But unticking System Temp Files did! So the problem is definitely there. 

    But like you said, this isn't really solving the issue. Not sure what to do from here except using CCleaner with that unticked.

    Thanks, Rick


  5. 6 hours ago, nukecad said:

    Are you using Custom Clean or Health Check?

    There can be different reasons for it sticking depending on which one you are using.

    If you can post a screenshot of it when it's stuck that would help us work out what may be the cause, and how you can fix it.

    It also usually helps to tell us what Windows version you have, what CCleaner version, and what antivirus.

    Hi nukecad,

    I'm using Custom Clean. Windows 10. CCleaner version 5.76.8269 (64 bit).

    Also, I thought I'd uninstall it and reinstall but it won't uninstall either! It also gets stuck. So two screenshots below. The first one where it is stuck while analyzing and the second one where the uninstall gets stuck.

    Thanks MUCH for your help. 






  6. 7 hours ago, nukecad said:

    The defaults in Custom Clean are simply the apps/items that most people would want to have cleaned, you can change them of course by ticking/unticking the categories.

    If you use Health Check instead of Custom Clean than that also has it's own set of defaults, mostly the same as Custom Cleans defaults but with a few more.
    You can tell it to leave something alone but you have to do that every time that you run Health Check. You cannot change what Health Check cleans by default.

    Just to refine the link that Hazelnut gave you, these describe the Custom Clean categories that you will see on the 'Windows' and 'Applications' tabs:

    If you want to see deeper into what files each of the Custom Clean categories is finding on your machine then:
    Right-Click on the category you want to look at.
    In the popup menu click 'Analyze ........'.
    In the results window click on anything found to see a list of files found to clean. (You can shortcut that by setting Options>Advanced>'Cleaning results level of detail' to 'File list').

    Of course that will only show something if there is something there to be cleaned.

    Thanks Nukecad! Much appreciated. Have a great day.

  7. I'm trying to use CCleaner on two computers. On my laptop, after I clicked analyze, it finished very quickly.

    But on my desktop, it goes very quickly to 45% and then stops there. It has the spinning icon to show that its working, but it's not. 

    I tried 3-4 times and every time it stops at 45%. I left it for over an hour and it didn't budge past that.

    Any thoughts on why that would happen on one computer and what to do about it? 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Andavari said:

    Already pre-selected programs are just cleaned, like their Recent File List ("MRU"), etc.

    Nothing is uninstalled automatically, you have to initiate uninstalling a software yourself if you use the built in uninstall tool 'Tools > Uninstall' which just mirrors what Windows already does.

    Recommend reading the documentation:

    Thank you. I will check out that link. I hope it has a section dedicated to explaining each of the boxes one can check or uncheck. I don't know what a lot of them are. Thanks.

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