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Posts posted by phoenixj

  1. Sonartech; 100% agree w/your sandwich comment. 

    (So 'turd' is acceptable on this forum rather than the alternative?! Good to know! 💩)

    Totally agree with all you mention. Matter of fact, the info you have provided throughout this thread has been invaluable, i.e., you were the one who pretty much interpreted the much awaited/anticipated explanation given by one of the mods regarding this 'sandwich'. 

    Thanks for sharing your research and comments. 

  2. Just joined this forum as I feel the need to chime in.

    Not only did Cleverbridge think the product had a lifetime license, so did newegg.com. I have been purchasing from newegg for 10 years, I've always read their Q&A about products and I've never known of their support to give out incorrect info. On Sept. 24, 2015, Newegg Support answered the licensing question stating, "This is a one time payment."  (See screenshot.) 

    I contacted Ccleaner support in December 2019 regarding this issue, sent them the link to the Q&A page on newegg and sent a screenshot. The response (which took almost 3 weeks) from Ccleaner was; 

    "I'm really sorry but Newegg didn't provide the correct info to you prior to your purchase.

    Unfortunately we cannot be responsible for other sellers wrong info to their customers. Please try to buy your license from now on straight from their manufacturer so you can be sure about the state of your license."

    Cute, huh?!! I have never heard of a response like that regarding newegg. Anyone in the tech industry knows newegg is one of the best retailers for tech products in the world and has been for years. I have read the entire 8 pages of this thread (and many other threads) and I'm fully aware the current owners of Ccleaner do not care about honoring Piriform's business model, do not care about blatantly (with no shame) displaying their lack of ethics and lack of 'business sense and do not care about their name being trashed, however I DO care that Avast is bad mouthing newegg. In my opinion, newegg does not provide invalid info, and for whatever reason, in 2015 Newegg Support was also under the impression a lifetime license was provided with the purchase of the "Professional" version. I too used this product for 4+ years without ever receiving the nag screen. Now the nag screen will not go away. That's o.k.; I wasn't even aware that Avast had bought Piriform until after emailing customer support with this issue. Now that I'm aware of Avast being behind this, it makes much more sense as to why this is even an issue. I've uninstalled the product, and physically deleted every reference to this product on my hard drive and in my registry. Why? Because in the last 15 years, I've repaired dozens of computers with various versions (free and subscription) of Avast antivirus and, well, if anyone is curious about their MO, just read the review on Tom's guide (safe site). https://www.tomsguide.com/us/avast-free-antivirus,review-2208.html  Also, reddit has some interesting comments about Avast. https://www.reddit.com/r/antivirus/comments/9by31d/is_avast_antivirus_still_safe/

    I have just contacted newegg about Avast's response to me and informed them of Ccleaner's statement of "didn't provide correct info" and will update this if necessary re newegg. As with the Malwarebytes business model, it would have been nice if the new owners of Ccleaner were more like Piriform and not only honored the "non-lifetime" license as lifetime, but also not insult so many of us with this issue by just stating in their nag screen, "We will no longer recognize the non-lifetime version as lifetime, therefore you will constantly see this nag screen until you purchase our new version (of which it appears they don't even tell you is a yearly subscription). Just as in this thread, it took what? 4 or 5 pages for the issue to be somewhat explained; so much for customer service; so much for transparency.


    ccleaner qA.JPG

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