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Everything posted by rnadom

  1. If you want to have full control over your referrer, I would suggest RefControl . RefControl let's you create a list of sites, and the referrer that should be sent for each site. You can choose to send that referrer unconditionally or only for third-party requests. Additionally, you can specify the default behavior for any site not in the list.
  2. I'm sorry, I forgot to search the forum. There's allready a thread about evercookie here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=29862&st=0
  3. I guess many of you are familiar with "flashcookies" (LSO/Local Shared Objects), but whatever you've heard about flashcookies it alone is nothing compared to evercookie which can pose a major new threat to online privacy. For example and download: samy.pl/evercookie/ From the description: Article in The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/11/business/media/11privacy.html?hp I'm not sure if CCleaner ever will be able to safely clean this type of cookie-storage. I'm not a programmer. But I just wanted to give you a heads up just in case. Thanks for a invaluable software nonetheless.
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