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  1. With the new Defraggler 2.12 I am no longer able to do a full file defrag by typing df c:\ /s into the command line. This has worked several years before. I would use this to defrag an entire drive without having Defraggler move files around, basically making all files contiguous only and disregarding freespace.. I found this more effective than the Quick Defrag which skips files that have fragments larger than 50MB. Please advise.
  2. On my defense, I have no knowledge that each program is written by the same developer(s); just trying to help.
  3. If you launch any Piriform product, and have UAC turned on in any way, and your default web browser is not currently open, and you then click on check for updates, or click Yes when prompted to download a new version, your web browser will be launched with administrator rights.
  4. See this program, http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shell_bags_view.html Shows recently opened folders here are the registry entries I have seen: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags
  5. OK, I say this is not intended. Please fix this bug. Thank you.
  6. windows 7 64 bit goes into standby while defragmenting, via command line anyways (df.exe) not intended, right?
  7. Please add Quick Defrag option to Scheduler, perhaps a checkbox Maybe also a run when idle option? (add terminate when no longer idle...is that safe?) thanks!
  8. Please add an option to prevent the computer from entering standby when defragmenting. If this is already a hidden feature of Defraggler, it does not work on my computer, which is running Windows 7 RC x86. Thank you.
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