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Posts posted by emm

  1. Thanks Davey for your response. Is it possible that my computer may be infected when I just started clean after formatting a week ago? I also have AVG 8 with antispyware running in it. Could it be that there is something wrong with my CCleaner? Now I tried to restore the files I had backed up from the registry. Although the window says it was restored successfully to the registry, when I go and scan the registry for issues, it doesn't show any. So, it looks like the backed up files where not restored at all. Is there some way to make them go back another way other then clicking the icon of my saved Registry entries? Thanks for any advice <_<



    Hi emm,

    It is nice to see you back.

    From what you describe your computer system may be infested by some serious malware.

    Do not delete any files !!!


    If I had your problem I would immediately go to this link and follow its instructions to get help from our Spyware Hell forum.


    Good luck and come back anytime after that.

    :) davey

    P.S. CCleaner does not back up any deleted files.

  2. Hi, I have 2 questions. First a short story of my problem. A week ago, my computer got damaged so I could not use or redownload my antivirus software. I use Registry mechanic and CCleaner. So I don't know if some needed file was removed. I had to format my computer and redownload my XP/SP2 software. Last night I redownloaded and rum Restry Mechanic. Today, I redownloaded and run CCleaner. Now this is my problem. When I run the Cleaner I get hundreds of files to be removed. I must have at least 100 files from my Easy Media Creator alone. Here is my first question: How is it possible that I have so many unneeded files on a computer that has been so recently formatted?

    Second question: If I save the log of the files CCleaner deletes, is there a way to return them to where they belong if they are needed? Thanks for any response.

  3. You can learn more about Hot Fixes here and the links therein. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_fix


    Are you currently getting Automatic Updates from Microsoft from the following link ?



    Most updates from Microsoft that actually fix known "software" problems will have an Uninstaller. If the fix does not work correctly than you can use the Uninstaller to reverse the fix and set things back as they were before the fix. I have been using Microsoft Updates now for approx. 15 months now and I have never had reason to remove a Fix.


    For now I would say to you, just leave the Uninstallers alone until you learn more.


    :) davey



    Thanks Davie, I will check those links you sent me. For now I will leave those fixes alone.

  4. Hi emm,

    Hot Fix ? Sounds ominous doesn't it.

    These fixes are normally just updates nowadays. They normally come out once a month on the second Tuesday of the month. Affectionately called "Patch Tuesday".

    You never have to delete the Uninstaller for a Hot Fix. Many people do and many save them all.

    You can normally figure that a fix that has been in effect for a couple of months is not going to be Unistalled.

    It may be corrected with a later fix. Some people will wait 2 -3 weeks and then get rid of the uninstaller for the Hot Fix.


    If you need the disk space then you can recover the space.

    It is up to you if you want to keep the Uninstaller or not.

    Once the Uninstaller is gone, the fix can't be reversed.


    :) davey

    OK, I am still cofused. Where does the hot fix come from. Who sends them t your computer, and where do they get stored. Under what name they they get stored. I just want to be able to look at them and decide if is something that I want to keep for good, or something that I might want to uninstall at some point, therefore would need to keep the uninstaller for it.


  5. Hello again emm,

    Good to see you.

    See this link for an answer.


    :) davey

    P.S. So as you can see, the Hot Fix remains installed. The uninstaller for the Hot Fix is removed.

    You do not have to do this every month. You can wait several months before doing this.

    Just be sure to turn the option off right after you use it. If you ticked the option TONIGHT and forgot to turn it off then the Hot Fix Uninstallers for the fixes coming out tomorrow "PATCH Tuesday" would be removed the next time that you run CCleaner. You want to wait awhile to be sure that the fixes are working correctly before you remove the Uninstaller programs.



    I see. The uninstaller for the hot fix is removed, but the hot fix remains installed. But what is a hot fix? If I remove the uninstaller for it, is it still possible to remove the "hot fix" if it were necessary at a future time.

  6. Hot fix uninstallers removes Windows updates from Windows Updates from Windows/$UninstallKB$. What exactly is that? Is it safe to remove this updates? It is in the Advance section of the Windows /Applications menu

  7. Welcome John B


    If I remember AOL uses IE as its base so selecting the Internet Explorer cleaning options should clean it out.





    I don't know if you have resolved your issue. If you haven't you can try this:

    Right click the AOL icon on your task bar.

    Click (one click fixes)

    In the (clean cache) click (fix it for me)

  8. Hi emm, can I welcome you to the forums also, but can I also ask you to use the standard font and colour in your posts.


    If everyone followed suit this place would be unreadable.


    Thanks in advance. :)




    OK, I will remember that next time. It is easier this way anyway.

  9. Hi emm,

    Welcome to the forums. :D

    This should help you .



    Alternatively since we don't know your set-up.

    1 Uninstall CCleaner and install again.

    2 Start CCleaner and toggle all the options down to and including Tick Options > Advanced and tick Save settings to INI file.

    3 Copy or rename the (cc)leaner.ini file that is in C:\Program Files\CCleaner. Rename it or copy it and call

    it CCleanerDefaultvers.ini or whatever.


    Good luck,

    :) davey

    Beginners advice

    Start here with this link and follow its advice.


    Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


    Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.


    Hi Davie, I am very happy to have joined this forum. I saved the links you gave me, to study them more closer later. For what I've seen, they are going to be very helpful. Thanks again.



  10. I think that that would only work if you have saved settings in the ini file - I don't have one to delete. I don't know what the defaults are, everything ticked in Applications, nothing ticked in Advanced, and most of the others ticked? Perhaps a good rule to start with is to tick all those you understand and want ticked, and leave the others alone.


    Ah, I've just noticed who you are (the font is rather a giveaway).



    Thanks Augeas, That is the plan for now, thanks again. _kind of bright font, isn't it? I will be adjusting it as I go, and find out what suits me best.



  11. Didn't see this in any of the posts. The beginners guide advices to leave the default files set. But, I undid all of mine, now I don't know which ones to check. Anybody know how to set the default again?



  12. Yes, Disk4mat, On the cleaner it is difficult to tell what some of the files are, and wheather they are something I need or not. That is why I am having a problem with it. Even after I took that tour, but I am going to take a look at the beginner guide again. I am talking only about the Windows and Applications part. I don't use the Registry cleaner yet. For that I use Registry Mechanic, that gives me more control over what I do. Thanks so much for your input.





    Hi Disk4mat, I am looking at the beginners guide right now, and I find it most helpful. Now I know what all those files are and what they are used for. Thanks a lot. :rolleyes:



  13. Have a look at the user guide: http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com

    Navigate to the Cleaner information section. It will explain the Windows related items found there. I think as for application specific items, its generally safe.


    As Augeas mentioned, without knowing which items you have checked (or intended to check) its hard to comment on each and every item.

    Yes, Disk4mat, On the cleaner it is difficult to tell what some of the files are, and wheather they are something I need or not. That is why I am having a problem with it. Even after I took that tour, but I am going to take a look at the beginner guide again. I am talking only about the Windows and Applications part. I don't use the Registry cleaner yet. For that I use Registry Mechanic, that gives me more control over what I do. Thanks so much for your input.



  14. Yes, no, maybe, usually...


    In general I would say that it is safe to delete these files, in the context that your pc will still work. However some options can cause inconvenience or annoyance. (You do not say what options you have ticked.) Some of these options will lose settings or passwords or login info which you may want to hang onto. I would not tick anything that brings up a warning message, or anything you don't know what affect it will have. I believe the settings are explained in the user guide, but it's a long time since I looked at that.


    I wouldn't tick Autocomplete Form History, and possibly nothing in Advanced until you get the hang of it.



    [font="Comic Sans MS]Thanks Augea, I it is too scary. Recently, I took my computer to get cleaned and tune up, and the guy there installed this software. He assured me that it is completely safe to delete things, not the stuff from the Registry, of course. Nevertheless, I am still scare to remove things when I am not sure what they are. The problem is that you can not pick and choose what to to delete, and what to keep.emm[/font]


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