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John G.

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Posts posted by John G.

  1. Bump. Any remember if this at least USED to be the case like I think I remember? Again, it seems like this used to work -- and now does not. Or am I just remember wrong and, therefore, this is just a new feature request/suggestion as opposed to a "this seems to have stopped working" thing?




    - John...

  2. How about an option to scan ONLY for non-deleted files? It looks like checking that box under the Actions menu causes Recuva to search for the standard deleted ones AND for non-deleted ones. It seems that the intent of that option is for situations where a partition or drive has become corrupted and people want to try to recover whatever files they can from the drive. In that case, people probably really only want the files that were NOT marked as deleted.


    It just seems that, for trying to recover files from damaged or reformatted disks, it would be great to be able to have it look ONLY for non-deleted files that were on the disk -- and ignore any of the deleted ones.


    Just a thought. Thanks!


    - John...

  3. Just as a feature suggestion, it would be great if we could sort (maybe as a right-click menu option?) when in the thumbnail view. Often, I find it would be beneficial to sort by Size or Last Modified Date or Path when in the thumbnail view. (I actually thought that this used to work by switching to List View, doing the sorting, and then switching back to Thumbnail view -- but that doesn't appear to be the case in the current version -- so I'm not sure if it just no longer works that way or if I'm just remembering wrong.)


    In any case, just wanted to throw that out there. Thanks!


    - John...

  4. I noticed this a few versions back -- I'm not exactly sure when. I mainly use CCleaner for cookie cleanup to get rid of cookies from sites that I don't want to have persistent cookies for me. So, fairly regularly, I go into the Cookie list and move a few to the "Cookies to Keep" section. (Then I go and have it clean and wipe the rest.) Recently, two changes started bothering me:


    1. It used to just fill the list from top to bottom alphabetically as it was searching. This allowed me to start looking at the list as it searched. Now, it adds them as it finds them (and not alphabetically) and then does a refresh at the very end to alphabetize them. This makes it fairly worthless to look at the list as it loads/searches.


    2. More importantly and a much bigger issue to me... It now refreshes the Cookie list EVERY time you move one to the "Cookies to Keep" column on the right. So, if you have a bunch of cookies, you lose your spot every time you move one to the "keep" list! This is really a pain actually. Previous versions did not do that -- they just removed the cookie from the list and left it positioned exactly where it was before.


    Can at least #2 be corrected? It doesn't really need to do a listbox refresh just because we removed an item, does it? #1 isn't as big of an issue -- as I can just wait now before I start looking through the cookies.




    - John...

  5. Just to note it, "+" is a perfectly valid character for email addresses -- it meets the RFC guidelines.


    I am posting this because it is always annoying when systems with poorly informed coders decide to tell me that my email address is invalid. IP.Board is one of those systems. Unfortunately, IP.Board will NOT allow just USERS to report bugs -- it has to come from the site OWNER. Therefore, I'm writing to request that Piriform submit a bug report to IP.Board's Support about the fact that their registration system complains that emails with a "+" in them are not valid -- when, in fact, they are.


    Thank you!


    - John...

  6. I am running Piriform for the first time today -- just downloaded v1.11.257. I noticed that the column headers are not correct. The headers across the top are:


    Filename, Path, Size, Last Modified, State, Comment


    But the actual data is:


    Filename, Path, LAST MODIFIED, SIZE, State, Comment


    In other words, the Size and Last Modified columns are swapped.


    Just FYI. Thanks!


    - John...

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