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Posts posted by snowdrift

  1. It just took a little over 4 secs for CCleaner to "empty" my Recycle Bin, with about 39M of data in it.


    It took Eraser 4.84 over 10 secs with the same number of passes.


    What accounts for the difference?


    Is CCleaner truly wiping the disk contents themselves, or just their links in the Recycle Bin? Any insights?

  2. OK. Last post on this topic from me.


    It looks like the file may be all right... it's just that since it can be used to do evil, it may be blocked as a Trojan when really it's not. Apparently virus makers can use the code to clear logs and do bad. As such, places like Symantec have pegged ClearLogs as possible malcode, when technically it may not be.


    Just be careful.



  3. Well, I may have found my answer...




    This link says CCleaner does wipe the files. But is it wiping the links to the files in the Bin or the actual files on the disk? There is a difference.


    The reason I started this entry... Eraser takes a while to wipe the Recycle Bin. CCleaner 2.X seems to fly with the same options. That speed got me second-guessing.



  4. I recently paid my $20 to support CCleaner. I hope you will think about doing the same.


    A question, though... There is a checkbox called "Empty Recycle Bin" in CCleaner 2.0. (Elsewhere, I have made sure when CCleaner works, it uses secure wiping rather than plain deletion.)


    If I check "Empty Recycle Bin," does CCleaner just delete the files it contains, or does it, in my case, wipe the links and the actual files on the drive?


    To me, "emptying" means CCleaner doesn't *wipe* Recycle Bin links and actual disk contents.


    Do I misunderstand?



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