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Posts posted by Augeas

  1. Yes, one pass is enough. If you use Drive Wiper erase then the disk will be formatted to its original file system and then wiped.

    It's probably quicker to use a Windows full format (not the quick one), this will overwrite everything with zeroes. Yes, recovery will be impossible.

    I wouldn't do any of this on an SSD though. Perhaps a quick format and then a Defrag optimise will do the same thing. Leave the device installed until the optimise has had a chance to finish. Oh I dunno, a day or so.

  2. Those buttons you mentioned - Save to Text File and Restore Results - are actions you perform on the list of duplicated files, not the files themselves (as indeed is explained at the end of H's link). No duplicate files are saved before deletion in CC and none can be restored by CC.

    If you wish to recover any files then try Recuva.

  3. There is nothing inherently wrong in recovering the same files twice, or as many times as you wish. In other words Recuva will not change any deleted file in the source drive. But there is an however:

    If youi have recovered the files to a separate drive the source will be unchanged. If you have reinstated the recovered files to the source drive then some deleted file records in the MFT will be overwritten. This could cause loss of access to the original deleted files.

    If youi have recovered the files to a same drive the source then again some deleted file records in the MFT will be overwritten. This could cause loss of access to the original deleted files.

    If any activity has taken place on the source drive then some, or many, deleted file records in the MFT will be overwritten. This could cause loss access to of the original deleted files.

    'Hiding' half a million files is not what Recuva does. We would need to see screenshots at least to try and establish what has happened.

  4. I wonder if anyone has any advice on this:
    I help to run a small and informal jazz club, with monthly concerts. I look after a simple website and send out approx 300 emails in one go once a month with a reminder of that month’s concert.
    I have a registered domain name, the website is hosted on my TalkTalk webspace, and the emails are sent from my personal email address with the return address spoofed to indicate it comes from the jazz domain. All quite simple, but it works.
    TalkTalk are no longer offering webspace after mid July. I have in mind migrating to a free hosting provider. I’ve looked at a few, AwardSpace, FreeVirtualServers, Hostinger, 20i, 000WebHost etc. All would provide ample space and bandwidth. My dilemma is:
    1) I need to be able to redirect my existing domain to the new web address. Some free hosters make you transfer your domain name, but I’d prefer the freedom of not doing that.
    2) Emails. Most of the above severely limit the number of emails you can send, down to 30 a month or no more than ten in one go. That would obviously not be at all suitable. I could continue in the same way as now, but it would be nice to move the emailing away from my personal setup.
    Any advice or help on free hosting in this sort of setup would be appreciated, even if it’s don’t go there. Thanks. I’m UK by the way.
  5. The second contentious check box above is meaningless in the free version, as you don't supply any contact information.

    As for the first, you - meaning everybody - have already granted permission to use your data when you accepted the terms and conditions.

    There's a lot of self-righteous indignation here. No more data is being collected than before, but now you won't use the product? I should advise you to stop looking at the website, just see how much info is collected from those fleeting moments of innocent pleasure.

    Personally I don't really care two monkeys'. My usage data is utterly irrelevant in terms of human existence. This is the opposite of when we were asked what browser we wanted to use, and we kept being asked until we had to beg Please, No More - This One - Now Go Away!

  6. That's me trying to be too clever. When Recuva scans it holds all its info in memory as it doesn't write to the disk, for obvious reasons. When it runs a recovery I can't see a reason why much more is held in memory - a recovery log I suppose, which can be quite large with 48 million files to be recovered.

    But your original post says that you're running out of ram, and your second post says you're running out of disk space.

    Post two also says on the bottom line that 48 million files are being recovered after the pic filter has been applied. You are biting off a great deal, perhaps more than Recuva can chew.

  7. It doesn't matter what the original folder size was, you are finding, and attempting to recover, all deleted pic files. Recuva has found 48 million pic files, even at 1 cluster each that's nearly 200 gb. At ten clusters each, say, that's 2 tb to recover. By the way I have no idea what Recuva writes to memory, apart from everything.

  8. There are a lot of similar cases in the forum and my poor fingers, not to mention my remaining brain cells, shy away from typing  the same old stuff again. But, even though goats can be a pain in the backside, here's a brief synopsis:

    How did you select your files for recovery? Did you have a filter on file name or path? If you did, or the files were zero size, or were system files, or were secureley deleted, Recuva may well have not recovered any successfully. Didn't you get an error message saying why? I'm sure a screen shot (no, not of the goat), would help.

  9. Everything's a partition in Windows, so don't worrry about that.

    The pic in post 1 shows entries in the MFT after they have been wiped, that is after enough 712-byte files have been allocated to overwrite all the free records in the MFT, and then deleted. Drive Wiper runs a wipe MFT before the wipe free space, so you should have seen a Wiping MFT message first.

    It's very likely that there will be some 'deleted' records in  the MFT, whether ZZ's or other names. That's what you see with a normal scan (and also with a deep scan, as a normal scan is run first). If you don't see any results with a normal scan, then:

    1) So many new files have been allocated that the MFT is full and is now creating new records for new file allocations, i.e. there are no deleted records in  the MFT.

    2) There is something in the file/path filter box in Recuva, and nothing corresponding to this filter is found.

    3) The option in Recuva to show securely deleted files is unchecked, and somehow Recuva can identify those ZZ files as securely deleted (maybe a specific file header?).

    The screenshot in post 4 is confusing, as file and folder names are only held in the MFT, unless Recuva is digging them up from somewhere I am unaware of.

    I have found a problem with WFS, in that in a drive that has a lot of fragmented free space (although the live files themselves may not be fragmented) some of the smaller space allocations are missed. This might be your case as the file sizes are relatively small. To get rid of them use Recuva's overwrite. This won't get rid ofthe file names, but as I don't know where they're coming from I can't really suggest anything else.

  10. In a deep scan Recuva looks for a known file header, and determines the file type from that. It must have found four flv file headers. I've no idea how it determines the file size, possibly reads the following clusters until another known file header is found. Or they might just be big flv files. Why not play them to see what they contain, but don't blame me if you get sacked.

    There's no way to 'convert' these, they are flv headers. I don't think you'll get any further with Recuva.

  11. Yes, it has been discussed endlessly, mostly by people whose knowledge is, or was, HDD based (and I'm one of those too). We can more or less figure out what happens on a hdd when a wfs is run, but who knows what an SSD controller is doing?

    As I'm sure you know, a TRIM (or a defrag Optimize) won't get rid of file or folder names and paths, because these are held in the MFT, which will never be trimmed. A wfs using Drive Wiper runs a wipe MFT first, and overwrites the deleted records in the MFT by allocating enough small files to fill all the unused records. This is a ham-fisted way of wiping the MFT as it involves two separate page writes (allocate and deallocate) to the MFT bitmap block, two to the offending MFT file record, and at least two to the owning folder. So a wipe MFT could write thousands of SSD pages, but there is no other method that I or Piriform know of to get rid of those file names.

    It's a pity that the wipe MFT function is not available separately, as a wfs must be the complete pig-fisted way of wiping the MFT. The actual wipe free space process is superflous to wiping the MFT and a defrag Optimize will do the wfs part far more efficiently than CC's wfs.

    There's no real answer to your problem, except mine which is to ignore the file names and stop worrying. Who is going to run Recuva on your device to see what files you have deleted? There are so many other things to be paraniod about.


  12. Unrecoverable means that all (or virtually all, I don't know the actual figure) of the file's clusters have been overwritten. Recuva will recover whatever is in  those clusters. The recovered file will contain whatever overwrote it, and will be of no use in reconstructing the original deleted file. In advanced mode you can see what clusters have been overwritten, and by what, in the Info pane.

  13. Excellent means that no clusters have been overwritten. The contents of the clusters could be anything, Recuva does not make any judgement on the veracity of the data. What has been recovered is what is on the disk, no more or less.

    I'm not going to open an unknown excel file, and not everyone has Office, so please post screen shots only.

  14. This is your third thread on this subject: once is enough, we can all read quite well.

    Do you have anything as a search filter? If so remove it.

    The 23 files may be system files, or zero bytes files, or anything you have checked in the Options/Settings panel.

    CC, assuming that is what you wiped the drive with, has several methods of overwriting data. A disk erase should leave a clean disk but CC is not a verifiable authenticated disk cleaner.

  15. You can't pause the process, but you could select say one tenth of the files to be recovered and recover them, then another tenth later etc. It is awkward as you will have to keep track of where you are in the process.Disks are getting so large that the recovery process is almost beyond human control, with hundreds of thousands - or more - of recovered files to manage.

    All files found with a deep scan (those with a [1234] file name) will be marked as excellent by definition, but may not be actually. Recuva can only find the first extent of a file so those with multple extents may well be unusable.

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