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Everything posted by Caz1964

  1. Is this an issue with CCleaner (based on I may have 'over-cleaned' using Health Check), the Eclipse Temurin programming or something else? I am not discriminate in my cleaning and never have been but now I am getting the need to resolve an update for Eclipse Temurin JRE Hotspot since the new CCLeaner v6 23.11010 update. The good news is it resolves the new update but is required again and again every day. If anyone can help. Let me know. Thanks-
  2. Did not allow the image I now see above. Anyway, it was just a compare of both versions and results ( 0 issues verses the 2 and 4 extensions/Chrome-Edge)
  3. Thanks @nukecad-I might be making more of an issue than needed here. Just curious and perhaps the Vendor did advise the changes specifically on the update verses prior. If not, it does help to see that as you have mentioned here. I provided a compare of cleaning-both versions (no changes between either version). Now I just don't see where the CHROME ext. addresses come from. We will see what updates come in the future~
  4. @nukecad, thanks for the response and detail. My question/concern is rather simple. When you clean a file/location/drive, the normal expectation of a cleaned success is ‘0’ or nothing shown that is remaining. Based on this logic, CCleaner absolutely did this until this version. It is absolutely normal to have these questions in a world of everyone’s desire to remain secure as to know ‘what and why’ is in their system and when to remove..etc.. Remaining files after a cleaning when never the case prior, needs to be answered by the Vendor even if a subtle system change. Its when you start to not care about these things is when you suffer attacks. I learned the hard way.
  5. Yup, still no update or new version. However, I did confirm one thing after looking at the 'how to' post by Imacry to verify extensions. Indeed these are the browser extensions-at least 3 of the 4 were for me. Once I matched the ext text, they were Google's YouTube Non Stop, AD Block and looper. So, it just appears that CCleaner will show extensions but designated as empty after cleaning?? No prior builds showed these?? ODD.....
  6. Thanks Red-makes sense. I moved back to the prior version for now which appears to clean and resolve these extension as in prior. Plus, I hate the new health check with all the added 'checks and balances' verses one health cleaning click like the custom clean. :)
  7. Hello, I just want to be sure not to appear knee jerking. Has anyone else noticed these cookies that remain as extensions after cleaning? This just started after recent CCleaner updates and want to know if this is normal or a windows issue. Once you process the cleaning, these cookies continue to pop never being removed. Just want to be sure and appears on all my machines both Windows 11 and 10. I have made no changes to my system although now, CCleaner shows these cookie extensions and never removed. Thanks-
  8. It does hang as I did three PCs on my network but you need to let its sit (about 3-6 minutes) and the full install does complete.
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