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Posts posted by AidanW

  1. Thanks again.  I checked out your link which helps explain the concept.  I guess that I need to be more systematic in my approach to clean-ups so that blockages do not occur in the first place.  I echo Pauly's sentiment in the recycle bin thread and yes, I've run Health Check successfully.

  2. Hi there,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Tried a few things:

    • Custom Clean showed tat system temp files were causing the blockage but did not unblock  it.
    • I ran Windows Disk Clean several times but after each it would not let me run the Health Check.
    • Looking at the properties of my system temp file folder I appear to have about 20Gb of data.

    Is there anthing that I can or need to do?

  3. I'm trying to run a health check on my PC with the free version.  I do as it asks to shut down Google Chrome.  I can't see any indicator of the % or number of files scanned but basically it indicates (with the green bar) a quick result up to about 20% scanned and then it stubbornly stops and stays this way.  I have left it for hoours and it does not show any progress with the scan.

    I have tried uninstallig/reinstalling the software but no luck.

    Any thoghts, ideas or suggestions, please?

    I have Windows 10 Home 64 bit with auto updates turned on.

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