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Everything posted by Agkistrodon_contortrix

  1. Stop lying. They are ADS. They ADVERTISE that you buy your product, they advertise *special discounts* And they spam, almost daily for 1/3 to 1/2 of the subscribed YEAR. Your product has become more intrusive, and quite frankly, bad. 1 - 1 1/2 month prior with 2-3 reminders would be acceptable maybe, but you´d still had to offer a PAYING CUSTOMER not to be bothered by them. But you don´t. Which is quite frankly malicious behavior. The registry cleaner, which acccording to experts shouldn´t be used, becuase it won´t fix anything, but has a high chance of breaking stuff, and an atrocious diver updater, which has caused me trouble more times than it hasn´t. I once was a fan and return customer paying customer of your product, but scince you´ve been aquired by Avast, this product has continually become worse.
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