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Not clearing Prefetch in XP?


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I have been using CC for sometime and despite adding 'c:windows/prefetch' as a custom folder to clean (& making sure its ticked in the advance tab) CC refuses to clear out the folder ? Its even checked under advanced as 'old prefetch data' !


I run XP Pro SP2 - any ideas?




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'c:windows/prefetch' is an incorrect path. As Disk4mat said, you need to use backslashes C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch rather than a slash /


Check the dates of the .pf files. Selecting Advanced > Old Prefetch data only clears entries older than 14 days (typically obsolete or unused applications).


Prefetch repopulates and, at best, cleaning it is pointless ... it self-cleans. Cleaning old entries is probably harmless but cleaning actively used entries actually hurts performance.

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Thanks guys!


My Prefetch seems to grow too gargantuan proportions? I heard cleaning it improved performance but in truth i've noticed no difference either way !!


CC creates the path by browsing to it under 'include' - so not sure why its showing the wrong slants \\ ? (BTW that was me copying it down wrong!) I will try inserting the shortcut myself though.


Have a good day,



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My Prefetch seems to grow too gargantuan proportions?

If Win XP is working properly, it should accumulate 128 .pf files plus Layout.ini. When it exceeds 128, on the next reboot it should clear all but the most recent 64. I've heard there may be a folder size limit as well but mine appears to self-clean based on the number of .pf files.

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My Prefetch seems to grow too gargantuan proportions?

That shouldn't be possible, as Glenn said it is regulated by Windows and can't grow any bigger. And cleaning it won't improve performance (the exact opposite if anything) it will just gain you an extra 5-6 Mb disk space. Try Googling 'XP prefetch myth' or similar for plenty of reading on the subject ;)

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