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Recently Used Programs and Files lists

Scott S

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I installed the most recent update of CCleaner and didn't release it had reset to the defaults, which included cleaning of the most recently used programs and files lists.


Since then, no programs or files are ever listed in the respective lists. In the Start menu, there's not even a blue line indicating separation from the pinned programs.


I have done a search of the problem and have tried many settings, none work. Any suggestions?



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I have the same problem with the start menu.


After using the cleaning function of CCleaner, in the start menu the recently used programs were all deleted.

I have tried pinning the programmes back to the start menu but there is always still a big space at the bottom underneath the pinned icons.

The more files I ad the bigger the blank space becomes.


I found a discussion which seems to be related to the same problem, but dating one year back:




It contains a link to a software undoing changes in the Start Menu, unfortuantely I didn't get it doing the job on my computer.


Since the problem apparently doesn't appear for the first time I hope there's a fix that can be provided

by the Piriforum team.




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I have the same problem with the start menu.


After using the cleaning function of CCleaner, in the start menu the recently used programs were all deleted.

I have tried pinning the programmes back to the start menu but there is always still a big space at the bottom underneath the pinned icons.

The more files I ad the bigger the blank space becomes.


I found a discussion which seems to be related to the same problem, but dating one year back:




It contains a link to a software undoing changes in the Start Menu, unfortuantely I didn't get it doing the job on my computer.


Since the problem apparently doesn't appear for the first time I hope there's a fix that can be provided

by the Piriforum team.




Hello sorriso,

Turn off all Advanced cleaning options.Your list will start to fill back in. Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced list at bottom.


Use the Guide . http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/


P.S. See the following post also.

:) davey

Edited by davey
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I installed the most recent update of CCleaner and didn't release it had reset to the defaults, which included cleaning of the most recently used programs and files lists.


Since then, no programs or files are ever listed in the respective lists. In the Start menu, there's not even a blue line indicating separation from the pinned programs.


I have done a search of the problem and have tried many settings, none work. Any suggestions?



Hi Scott,

See post above.

You may have to reboot but list will come back as you use the programs.

This was caused by turning on User Assist History in Advanced cleaning options.

These are needed rarely.

Recent Documents is in Windows Explorer list and I use it when needed.


http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide

:) davey


P.S. See this link at the bottom. It tells you how to save your settings. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...amp;entry104255

Edited by davey
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  • Moderators

Can you just reduce the size of the window? Make sure that Window Size/Location Cache is unticked in CC Advanced so that window sizing is kept.

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