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Firefox 3 To Support Offline Apps


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An interesting tidbit came out of the recent Foo Camp New Zealand (which unfortunately I wasn't able to attend). Robert O?Callahan from Mozilla, who is based in NZ but drives the rendering engine of Mozilla/FireFox, spoke about how Firefox 3 will deliver support for offline applications. This is significant because you'll be able to use your web apps - like Gmail, Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Google Calendar, etc - in the browser even when offline. I deliberately mentioned all Google web apps there, because of course this plays right into Google's hands.


Although Mozilla is an open source organization, some of its top workers are employed by Google. So it's a very cozy relationship. We've discussed before how Firefox 3 as information broker suits Google very nicely, because the Mountain View company has a number of best of breed web apps - and if it's not building them, it's acquiring them (YouTube, JotSpot, Writely, etc).


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If they do this right it could be insanely good.

I played with google docs a little yesterday and my one complaint is the layout. With its toolbars and firefox's toolbars the screen was pretty crowded. If it has like an "application mode" where it looks just like any other program than it would be pretty awesome.


I heard a rumor that google is making a powerpoint like program.

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