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Firefox man loses faith in Google


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BLAKE ROSS, one of the key people behind the Firefox browser, says that he is losing faith in the antics of the search engine Google.


Writing in his bog, Ross was miffed that Google was displaying tips that point searchers to Google Calendar, Blogger and Picasa for any search phrase that includes calendar, blog, and photo sharing.


He said that this was bad for competitors, and was a bad sign for Google.



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Google has listened to criticism voiced in blogs and elsewhere and apparently removed the recent ?tips? feature from their results. These oneboxes were promoting Google services for a wide array of (often unrelated) searches, like blog, blogger, blogs, wordpress blog, calendar, yahoo calendar, flickr photo sharing etc., which was starting to harm the neutrality of Google results. Karma+1. (Almost needless to say, but competitor Yahoo continues to show tips like these ? and continues to do much more sneaky stuff, too. But that?s where user choice comes into play.



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