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Close Kamo from Batch File?


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I would like to close Kamo from a batch file, but, when I do so using TaskKill, Kamo loses my settings for Tracking Protection and Browser Cleanup. Everything else remains in place. I'm wondering if this is something that cannot be done or if there is a workaround. I can't find anything that allows Kamo to be opened from a configuration file or allows quitting Kamo except right clicking the button on the icon.

If this is not possible, then this might be a suggestion for a future feature.

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An update to this. I found that the batch file causes this only if initiated while the subject computer is being accessed through Remote Desktop. If it is called by a scheduled event or from Windows Explorer, it works without a problem. I can work around this for now by manually terminating Kamo before running any batch files, though I would still like a solution if anyone has any.

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