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Reinstall CCleaner-Pro


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I had to uninstall my paid subscription and don't know how to reinstall. I'm not real computer savvy so can you make it easy to understand

Thank you!

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To reinstall CCleaner:

  1. Download the 'Slim' installer (3rd one down) from here: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
  2. Double click the downloaded 'ccsetup613_slim.exe' to reinstall CCleaner.

If you haven't uninstalled CCleaner Pro before doing the new install then it will pick up the existing licence key.

If you have already uninstalled CCleaner Pro then the new install will be CCleaner Free, so you will have to open CCleaner and go to Options>License Key and enter your key to register it as CCleaner Pro again.

If you didn't make a note of your licence key then you can look it up here: https://www.ccleaner.com/support/license-lookup

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