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Kamo Turns off "Keep my computer activities private"

Kevin J

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Periodically I check Kamo and "keep my computer activities private" is turned off.  I flip back on and it stays here for a bit, then turns off.

If this continues, no point in having it on my computer...maybe there is a conflict somewhere.  Any help/thoughts appreciated.

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Guest MeganCCleaner

First of all, I am sorry to hear of how Kamo's "Keep my computer activities private" setting automatically turns itself off.

Does this problem persist after disabling the "Consumer Experience Improvement Program" tasks in Windows, using the following steps?

  1. Open the "Run" dialog in Windows (On the keyboard, hold the "Windows" (?name=Windows+Logo.png ) and "R" keys simultaneously)
  2. Type: taskschd.msc > click OK
  3. Expand: Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Application Experience
  4. Right-click "Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" > click Disable
  5. Right-click "ProgramDataUpdater" > click Disable
  6. Open the "Customer Experience Improvement Program" entry
  7. Right-click "Consolidator" > click Disable
  8. Right-click "UsbCeip" > click Disable

If the problem does persists afterwards, can you please verify if the scheduled tasks are automatically re-enabling themselves, soon after you've manually disabled them?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I am encountering the same issue.  But have gone to follow the instructions above:

I have done this 

  1. Right-click "Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" > click Disable

However, the others do not exist and the problem persists.


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Guest Andrei CCleaner
4 hours ago, chrisP said:

Checked the advice from MeganCCleaner.  All entry's are already disabled yet the issue described by users on this thread persists.

I'm running Windows 11 btw and have the latest version of Kamo

Hello @chrisP, please send an email to our team at support@ccleaner.com so they could have a closer look over your situation.

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