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Recovering Files removed by CCleaner or returning to pre Cleaner content


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CCleaner ran Thurs night.  Since then I have been unable to use QuickBooks.  I get a message that Internet Explorer is turned off and QB needs IE to function (which I never knew).  When I try to check the IE box to turn on, it won't stay on.  It appears that IE has been "cleaned" from my computer.

I've tried downloading IE11, but it still doesn't work.  any ideas?

Thank you

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It isn't CCleaner - it's Microsoft and/or Quickbooks.

Internet Explorer is now defunct and has/is being being removed from computers by Microsoft.

Any application that still needs IE is going to stop working unless that apps' developers make changes so that it runs with Microsoft Edge (or another browser).

This is not sudden news, application developers have known this was coming and have had a number of years now to make the needed changes.

Quickbooks are no exception and officially stopped supporting IE in 2019, you will need to change your Quickbooks to use another browser:




When did support end for these browsers?

As of March 18th, 2019 we no longer support Internet Explorer 11



EDIT- If you are not yet ready to change browsers, and you do still have IE11 on your machine, then you could try this workaround:
(Obviously if you don't still have IE the workround won't work).

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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