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Folder structure and size of the medium


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Dear all,

I somehow managed to format my external 1 TB SSD harddrive with all pictures and my backup on it.

I have been waiting 20-something hours for a deep scan to be finished. It seemingly worked. Now  I tried to recover my about 300GB of data on a 500GB harddrive. 

Recuva detected a problem as the target drive is too small. Is a 1TB harddrive enough? Or do I need a bigger one?


Another question: Is it possible to recover the folder structure? The content is mainly pictures in folders named with date and place. It is absolutely impossible for me to remember where and when the pictures were taken nor which of those belong to eachother. Is there a chance to recover the structure on a formatted SSD?


Thank you and sorry for my clumsy English. I am not a native speaker.

Best regards


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All you can do is try a larger drive. Are you trying to recover system files, some of which are sparse files with a nominal size of the disk?

Usually with an SSD it is impossible to recover any file after a format, as that runs a universal TRIM. If Recuva is listing files than perhaps TRIM isn't working across the USB connection. Try a recovery and see what you get.

Oh yes, you can restore the folder structure (as much as you can) by going into Advanced Mode, selecting Options/Actions, and checking Restore Folder Structure.

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