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Updating software issues


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I had not run ccleaner for a week or two and I decided to run it. As usual I got the popup that a new version 5.63.7540 was available and I downloaded the latest and greatest and updated the program. When it was finished I cleaned my computer, as usual. I ran the program later and the pop up said an update was available. That is odd I never had two in one day. So I updated again. Ran the program and it cleaned a bunch of items that should have already been cleaned. I ran the program the next day and the same thing happened. I did it three times more and I kept getting the pop up saying that a new version was available, but it was the same version over and over again. I thought that I would uninstall and reinstall but the add remove function would not work. It wouldn't uninstall the program. I went into the ccleaner program folder and activated the uninstall exe file and the program uninstalled. I reloaded the program but it did not make a new directory and it did not put a shortcut on my desktop or in the startup folder. The only way to run ccleaner now is to run the install file and launch it from that when it is finished installing the program. Even then I don't believe that it is actually cleaning anything.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot is going on with this program? What do I have to do to get his program to install properly and to say installed?

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If you are having an install problem (with any software) the first thing I would suspect is that your AntiVirus may be stopping it from installing.
Depending on the AV it may let some things install but not others.
If you take a look at your AVs logs it should tell you if this is what is happening.


I reloaded the program but it did not make a new directory and it did not put a shortcut on my desktop or in the startup folder.

That sound just like what would happen if an AV blocked the install.

Try pausing/disabling your antivirus and then installing CCleaner.
(Don't forget to re-enable your AV afterwards).

Or download the 'Slim' installer from here and try installing that.
(Some Av's will block the Standard installer but allow the Slim.)

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Thanks for the reply. I don't actually run an ant-virus program.I do use malwarebytes but I have been running ccleaner ever since it was called crap cleaner. I also have been running malwarebytes for years as well. This is the firs time that I could not uninstall a program from the add/remove function. I had to actually use the uninstall.exe file in the ccleaner folder. That cleaned out the folder and all of the registry entries. Usually there are artifacts left in the registry that have to be cleaned.

I figure that if any antivirus program would stop a folder from being installed it would also keep it from running after the install as well. I have never had this happen to me before. I am really at a loss as to what is going on with this install.

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