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Bug Not Cleaning Chrome Internet History

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Unlike many years of fine service, for a while now CCleaner continually fails to clean Google Chrome browsing history. CCleaner always used to succeed at this. However, even though CCleaner states (after running it) that it has cleaned Chrome (internet history - browsing, etc.) it actually fails to do so. When I instruct Google Chrome to clear the browsing history, it does indeed delete it. However, when I run CCleanter to do the same thing, the browser history remains (as Chrome prominently displays recently viewed webpages when you open a new window or tab). Are the CCleaner professionals aware of this problem? Are they going to fix it in a soon to be released version of/update to CCleaner? (By the way, I am running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit SP1 - fully updated.)

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have you upgraded to the latest version, apparently this issue is addressed again in the new version.

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