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What are these files? Some questions!


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What are these files that can't be securely overwritten? https://s11.postimg.org/ys97jegsz/Sk_rmklipp.png I have already deleted all my private files, so I guess these things are nothing to be worried about? I did a format with 4096 bytes with NTFS standard after that also. 


I wanted to be sure that everything was gone, but then thjose files came that can't be overwritten? Are the important or so? How can I even delete them?


Also Do I have the correct settings in action options https://s22.postimg.org/qui71l6sx/image.png Should IO check the box show securely overwritten files? 


And advanced options also, should I change something here?  https://s22.postimg.org/wjyflwcz5/image.png


SORRY for all these questions. Just want to know this! Thank you staff!


I have tried to find more pages in the recuvva forum, but it goes onlky for 2 pages? Do you delete older posts or actually don't show them after some months or so?

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The files are all live (undeleted) so can't be overwritten by Recuva. They are also system files, so can't be overwritten anyway, unless you are committing disk-icide.


Should you show overwritten files? It's up to you, it doesn't really matter as securely overwritten files can only be identified in one specific execution of the program, after that they are just deleted files, like all the others.


The last two options, again up to you.


In the forum click on Custom in the green bar at the top of the list of topics. Select Time Frame/Show All.

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Hi, thank you Augeas for answering. But you know after I use recuva, and securely overwrite files and  done and click ok. I always try to do it agian, and then thsoe files are green again and I can overwrite them. Why does not the first overwrite works. Because after the first it should not find those files again. Do I have to format the drive after every secure overwrite?

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I know. But I mean sometimes when I use recuva and overwrite my files then it find the same files as I did overwrite before when I make another scan. Even though I already did securely overwrite them before. 


Also another thing. It seems that recuva is not needed really? Since I have now formated my usb disk and recuva did not find anything on it after that. 

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