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Files Recovered ( File Path)


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Aloha Recuva X-Pert Dudes


I recently ( Accidently) deleted some photos of a Surf trip to Central America.

A Folder containing photos actually.

This was on a seperate partition from my primary C: drive.


While attempting to recover said photos, I figured instead of search a specific location. I would just go with "Search Entire Drive" just to see what other FOD had accumulated.


I did however specifically select "Photos" as the medium to recover.


When the scan finished there were a bunch of photos that, I'm not sure where they came from, But  were listed in the Advanced Options View? I think thats what it's called


ANyway a bunch of the photos showed a "file path" of  C:\?


Does anybody know what that File Path Indicates?


I tried to find info on that File path in Duck Duck Go Search Engine and came up empty.


So to make a short story long I was hoping someone here could enlighten me.






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It means that Recuva is unable to establish the path back to the root directory, most probably because one or more of the folder records in the MFT have been deleted and reused.

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