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HOW to get a More Complete list?


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HOW to get a More Complete list?

First, I Love this program !  Thanks!

Doing a deep scan, it found over a million files.
I want to recover SOME of the files.
HOW can I get a .TXT list of the results Which INCLUDES the...
Last Modified, State, and Comment columns?

When imported into a spreadsheet, Those columns will GREATLY Help !



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It's not possible at the moment. However files found with a deep scan (those with name as [000234].jpg etc) will all have a Last Modified Date of Unknown, a State of Excellent, and a Comment of No Overwritten Clusters Detected, so you are not losing anything.

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Well, now,...  That's a bummer.

OK, when sorted by State, I want to Recover all files that are rated Excellent.

HOW can I select only all of those files?

I tried CTRL-Select and SHIFT-Select to Select multiple files, but both attempts select only one file at a time.


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Not to worry,...  another post had the solution... 

Sort them, then...

- Click the first filename (not its checkbox) at the top of the list - this is the first file marked excellent, it will now be highlighted

- Then scroll down the list until you get to the last file marked excellent

- Then hold down the shift key on your keyboard and click the filename (not its checkbox) of the last file marked excellent

- You should now see that all the files marked excellent are highlighted

- Then right click anywhere on this highlighted list and a pop up menu should appear

- select 'check highlighted' option from the pop up menu and you should now see that the checkbox for each file is now checked


Cool.  Thanks, anyway.

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