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All Recovered Files Corrupted


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I recently accidentally deleted (shift+delete) several folders with pictures (some RAW and some JPG). I then downloaded Recuva, scanned, found hundreds of deleted pictures. Most of them were marked green, "excellent", which wasn't surprising, since I did not really use my PC between deleting and recovering. But after completion of the recovery, I couldn't open one single file, all corrupted. All of them. Some of them have a content, some don't (I opened them with the editor, amateur).


Is there anything I can do? Anything?


Does the professional version help?


Thanks in advance for your help.



Oh and by the way: It's an SSD.

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Assuming that the file system is NTFS, and this is an internal device, and that TRIM is enabled on both the device and the O/S....


Then when the files were deleted the SSD controller unmapped the data pages - the clusters allocated to the file no longer point to pages containing the file data. Any request to read an unmapped page returns a default zero-byte page. The unmapped pages were added to the invalid page pool where they would be emptied before being reused. At this point the data was lost forever.


Unfortunately data recovery on SSD's with TRIM enabled is just about impossible. It's just how they work.


If the device is FAT32, or external, or doesn't have TRIM, then who knows?

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Hello Augeas and thanks a lot for your answer! I admit I didn't understand everything you wrote in detail, but I understand "just about impossible".


So yes, the system is NTFS, it's an internal device and TRIM is enabled. Goodbye pictures.

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