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Hung at 92%


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This has been a week long process, first finding and then recovering the files ... I know my need to do some work may have caused this but I am at the the end of my rope.


Recuva has recovered 92% of the Toshiba portable hard drive that I stupidly deleted. It's been hung on the same file, at 92% with 7 hours remaining for 15 hrs.


Yesterday another program tried to update automatically (again, something I probably should have looked into first), and I think that's when the process stalled.


I can't pull it up to full screen (see attachment), nothing has changed and I just don't know what to do at this point.


The worst part is that I haven't found the files that I'm looking for.


ANY suggestion from someone smarter than me would be appreciated.


Edited by jlreis
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After a 2nd quick scan, I've found thumbnails sizes in the Local roaming folder of my Adobe cache.  So I KNOW they're here somewhere, I just don'e know how to FIND and recover them,


PLEASE help me if you can. This was a one-time, lifelong dream of a trip to New Orleans. I am physically sick over their loss.

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Well I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am with the mass of help and suggestions I've gotten here.


I started the scan over again, choosing a certain kind of files and making different decisions ... after 15 hours I am hung AGAIN at 97%, 50 minutes left.


As it's obvious that I have somewhat of a working knowledge of the program, is there someone that might pont me in the right direction in which to find these images.


Knowing that it's recommended to do a search on the forum before proving my stupidity by asking, I did that ... there is nothing that really matches what I'm going through.


I've heard nothing but good about the program; clearly I've heard NOTHING about support via forum.

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hi @jlreis and welcome to the forum.


don't get too disheartened that no-one has responded, it simply means no-one with advice has seen your topic yet.

the forum members are volunteers who normal only login to sort out their own issues and rarely respond to other topics.

and Recuva isn't my area of expertise, so I can't help you either. :(


so hopefully your lack of responses is simply down to the right person has yet to logon and see your thread.


but in case it helps, what background info can you add?


like, how was the portable drive deleted?  was it re-formatted?

what file system was it; NTFS or FAT?

any activity (apart from Recuva) on that drive since the incident?

was it connected to your PC via a USB cable?

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It was deleted by flick of the a finger. It was not reformatted,


No activity except from trying to find five days of raw image fies

Yes, it was connected vi USB


Why can't a search via date?


I know the exact dates of the files.


Further, the odds of the files having been over written are pretty slim, I panicked and ran Recuva immediately.

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The reason why the response has been minimal is more likely to be that we don’t know the answer. None of us has any knowledge of the internals or logic of any Piriform software, apart from what we can assume through usage.


We don’t know the size of the disk, how it was ‘deleted’ (apart from a throw-away remark about a flick of a finger), what 'deleted' means, whether it has a recognisable file system, what scan criteria you’re using, or where you are recovering to, and the screenshot is two tiny and quite useless thumbnails. Even if we had this information, I for one would be no nearer.


I would guess that Recuva, or the device, or the receiving device, or one of the file systems is in some sort of loop or continuously repeating I/O request. If I were you I would cancel the job and work on the 92% of files you have recovered already. Or disconnect the drive and send it to a specialist data recovery service. I have the impression that your photos are worth a few hundred dollars to save.


I don’t think it is possible to select a date or time for recovering files. Even if it were, the scan would take just as long as Recuva has to scan all the drive whatever selection criteria is used.

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Just for the record, after some research I found that the files are on a "lost" partition. I've never had this happen before in 20 years of working with computers. I should consider myself lucky.


Recuva has worked fine for me with minor things in the past, so I'll keep using it for other things.


It's a fine little program for what it does. Thanks.

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