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Recover ignored files


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If you really want to. In Advanced Mode select Options/Actions and check Show zero length, securely deleted, and system files, and check Scan for Non-Deleted Files, then rescan. Whether you want to recover any of those is up to you.

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thank you but I have a couple questions... when I do the deep scan with the attributes changed as you suggested there are still 9,997 files ignored?  I really only need 2 folders of files, documents and pictures...  should be about 70GB on a 1 TB WD SATA HD.  I just cant seem to locate with the program?  any additional suggestions would be appreciated!

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  • Moderators

Do you have anything in the File Name/Path box? If so this will result in ignored files. Unfortunately the ignored files - zero length, system, securely deleted, etc - will by their nature be of no use for file recovery even if you see them.

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