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Completed Scan after 17 hours!


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About a week ago, I went to do a simple task and format a flash drive. I got suspicious when it was taking longer than expected for a flash drive to format. By then, it was too late, of course. Instead, I accidentally formatted my Western Digital HDD 2TB external drive, with mostly all my back up on it. I am devastated. It was a week before I thought to use Recuva to recover the files. The first two tries failed but at the third try, it finally completed scanning after 17 hours. When I went to recover the files, I did not realize I needed a drive with enough space to restore the files. I only had one other drive available and there was not enough free space on it. No problem. There were files on that drive I could delete to make room for the Recuva restored files. BUT.... I kept having those pesky, "you don't have permission" messages. I hate that message. I'm the owner. I'm the sole user. This message always stumps me. I thought that switching to the Administrator log-in would solve the permission messages. I logged off my regular sign-in account. Something told me that was the thing to do.


Here is my dilemma. I never signed into the Administrator account. After I selected to switch users and the log in screen appeared, I signed-in immediately back to my regular account. The Recuva screen was gone. I've tried to find any completed scans from Recuva. Does Recuva not keep completed scans? I've used mac recovery software, for example, and they have a selection to review completed scans. Is the completed Recuva scan just gone? I can't believe it would just disappear and leave no trace of a completed scan. I've googled every kind of way to describe my problem. Evidently, no one ever did what I did! Or my computer is messed up. There has to be a trace of the scan somewhere on my machine.


Does anyone know where I can find the scan on my computer or instruct me how to recall it up? Please, I would be so grateful if someone could help me. What a way to start the new year!


Thanks for your time and consideration reading this over.





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There is no way to recall a previous scan. The nearest to it is to make a text file of the completed scan, but this can't be used as input for recovering files (even if you'd made one).

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