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Deleting files and losing space.


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I'm not a novice computer user, so it's nothing I'm doing different. This just started happening when it worked perfectly before. I deleted a bunch of stuff off my computer to get more harddrive space. First several gigs, then 5 more gigs, then maybe 7. I went back to see how much I freed up and I'm 20gbs lower than before! I checked the recycle bin and around to see if there are any cc clean files holding this data that I can delete, nothing.


I have Windows Vista. No changes have been made to my computer recently, definitely not since the time this randomly started. I did update the CC program, a couple of days ago, however. * I did check to see if others were having this problem first and did check to see if there was a file I could delete like was mentioned in other posts. There wasn't.


Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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3 areas I would look into.


Restore Points: delete all but the last or so.

Windows Updates: any chance it has recently sucked up your lost space.

Lastly, do a search based on size, looking for anything greater than, let's start with, 500megs.

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I'll take another look. Thanks. I looked there but I hadn't seen anything. A few gigs have mysteriously reappeared but most are still missing. I deleted all but my oldest restore point, so I hpe more shows up. It's so weird that this never happened before, but suddenly after this last update. I definitely regret updating.

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