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Please stop hiding main stream browser in the application tab


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I just downloaded it, untick every option for internet explorer which I don't use, because I don't want my browser data to be deleted and internet explorer is the only one I see.


400 tabs in firefox and ~100 in chrome just got wiped.

Never gonna install this ccleaner again.


I'm sure this doesn't only happen to me.

I've seen other people suffer the same problem on google.

Please at least let all the browser be in the same place.

Only showing one really let people think that ccleaner is not going to do things to other browser.

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Chrome and Firefox are in the Applications tab because they are applications. Internet Explorer is in the System tab because it is a windows subsystem (Trident)


Perhaps in the future you should exercise use of the "Analyze" button so that you can see what will be deleted before running the cleaner itself :)

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almost everyone at some point has run software too hastily and discovered, the hard way, it has done something undesirable.

it's no good blaming the software when in all honesty the problem lied elsewhere. (PICNIC acronym comes to mind ;) )

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almost everyone at some point has run software too hastily and discovered, the hard way, it has done something undesirable.

it's no good blaming the software when in all honesty the problem lied elsewhere. (PICNIC acronym comes to mind ;) )

PICNIC or an error with the interface between the chair and keyboard :lol:

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