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CCleaner removed Saved form information on Firefox


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CCleaner removed the Saved form information on my Mozilla firefox. Is there a way to restore it back, because i forgot my username and pass on gmail...Can someone help?

Best Regards,


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Click the Need Help? link on the Gmail sign in screen to get it to send you your username and/or password.

Next time you run CC, untick the Firefox settings on the Application tab that you don't want cleaned.


But, No, there is no way I know to undo what CC has done to you - after all, that is why it was run. :wacko:


Also, no need to bump the thread, if someone knows (or cares I guess), they'll chime in with some help when they log on next.

Days could go past before the one member with some advice may log on.


Patience Grasshopper....

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Click the Need Help? link on the Gmail sign in screen to get it to send you your username and/or password.

Next time you run CC, untick the Firefox settings on the Application tab that you don't want cleaned.


But, No, there is no way I know to undo what CC has done to you - after all, that is why it was run. :wacko:


Also, no need to bump the thread, if someone knows (or cares I guess), they'll chime in with some help when they log on next.

Days could go past before the one member with some advice may log on.


Patience Grasshopper....

Thank you for the answer, but i told that i forgot both my username and pass so there is no way to restore it from gmail.


"Also, no need to bump the thread, if someone knows (or cares I guess), they'll chime in with some help when they log on next."

O well may be with this atitude i will never use it anyway?

No offense.

Best Regards,


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You haven't also forgotten your recovery email or phone number have you?

Because that is what you need to recover your username and from that you can recovery the password.

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