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Application List isn't correct


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I've been using CCleaner for years. So thanks.

I just recently updated to the latest free version and noticed  that in my list of Applications, some programs I use all the time are not listed and some that I don't use, are listed. There's even one listed that I don't even have!


For example..... my Applications list contains:


McAfee AntiVirus - I don't have that....I've used Avast for like forever.


Photoshop CS3   - I have it but don't use it as I updated...twice.


Oxygen XML Editor - ????


But I DO have installed and use:


Photoshop CS5 as well as PhotoShop CS (and Bridge for both)



So I know that Photoshop creates some big temp files that are not always removed when the program closes. Do I need to manually check for anything other than what's on the CCleaner list?



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if you have, in your case, large temp files that you suspect are not being cleaned by CC, then add them with a custom INCLUDE from within CC.


as to your 'phantom' list of software, that's a fault with lazy programmers not removing all traces of their software during the install process, see if this sheds any light; http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=40781&hl=revo&do=findComment&comment=248140

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[McAfee AntiVirus]


To prevent this from showing up, delete C:\ProgramData\McAfee\MCLOGS (win vista+) or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\MCLOGS (winxp)



[Adobe Photoshop CS3]


Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Photoshop\10.0 from the registry



[Oxygen XML Editor]


Delete %AppData%\com.oxygenxml (type this in the explorer address bar, command prompt, or run dialog to access it if you have hidden files hidden)

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