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recover images on memory stick which was formatted using recuva


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i used a memory stick pro duo (sony) to click some photos with my camera sony dsct900 .THE MEMORY STICK IS ORIGINAL.when i first connected it to my computer using a usb adapter i was able to view the files but i reconnected it (after few mins) it showed that the card is corrupted (used 0 bytes,free 0 bytes) and i need to format it to use it.then i googled it and found this

and formatted the memory stick as told with ntfs setting. then i tried to recover the files but i was unable to get any files.i have alredy done the following-
1.run disk check from cmd
2.used piriform's recuva 
3.show hidden files
is there any way to recover my data?
sorry if i posted it on the wrong section because could not find an appropriate one.
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From the top top level of your computer guide
Is a link to "How to Lose Body Fat by Drinking Vinegar"

I have grave doubts about the detailed technical competance of a general purpose website that covers
"How to ... everything".

According to Wikepedia your stick could be "exFAT"
Nowhere on that page do I see the word NTFS.

In 2007 Sony themselves provide a special Formatting tool that runs UNDER Windows for certain of their products

I do not know what damage MAY have been inflicted upon exFAT formatted data by an NTFS format.
I suggest that you desist from any further attempts at recovery,
and that you keep your stick out of use,
until such time as someone with more knowledge than is able to advise.

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