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Not enough space on the disk


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Hi all,

running the latest defraggler on a very small XP partition, only 5.8GB, 19% free.

There are no big files on this drive. What would cause this?


In the defrag settings, I do have "move large files to the end" selected,

intended for one of the other partitions. The largest file on this XP is the

pagefile, 1GB, and that's not moveable anyway.


I ran it again, but this time I deselected "move large files to the end".

and it finished OK. It's odd, because as I said, there are no large files

in this partiton. Here's the analysis by a program called Tressize Free which shows the

file allocation.



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I think it doesn't mean there isn't enough FREE SPACE per se (total physical space) but that there aren't any big free space GAPS in total. I think it's due to DF defragging algorithm. It opens too many gaps while defragmenting (specially at the end of the disk).

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maybe relativity may be a consideration.

yes your files are 'small' but so is the partition.


a 1gib pagefile is still 17% of a 5.8gib partition.


(just an idea)

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