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History visited websites not deleted in Chrome

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What error did I found?

Simple said, In google Chrome the history of all the visited websites (Ctrl+ H in Chrome) were not deleted after cleaning with CCleaner.


What did I found out?

1) CCleaner didn't clean the history of the visited websites while logged in on a Google Chrome account.

2) CCleaner does clean the history of the visited website while Not logged in on a Google Chrome account.

3) CCleaner does clean the password/forms of all the websites on the internet except the password/form for the Google Chrome account. (Yes it may look logged out.... but in the settings of Google Chrome, the chrome account stays logged in even after Using CCleaner to clean everything you can including password and forms)

I am not really sure, But I think that the google Chrome accounts stays connected in the settings of Google Chrome and that this problem, due to this, the history of the visited websites can not be deleted untill you disconnected the google Chrome account in the settings of Chrome. (First thing on top in the settings)


Maybe This could be helpfull for fixing this problem, I considered this an bug because CCleaner does not clean everything as it should suppose to.


I am using:

Windows 7 64 Bit home premium

CCleaner Version v 4.02.4115 (64 bit)

Chrome version 27.0.1453.94 m

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