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Determing The Date Last Defrag Was Done


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Using version V2, 14, 706 (64 Bit)

Is there any way to obtain the date the last defrag was done?



Edited by Nergal
unneeded font attributes removed

oldtrout- àrsaidh-breac


May today be the best day of your life and each succeeding day be better still.

"May I always be the kind of person my dog thinks I am"

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If you use the Portable version then in the same folder as Defraggler64.exe you will find Defraggler.ini.

Right click on Defraggler.ini and use Properties to get the "Modified" time stamp to see when defraggler was last run.


I you use the Installed version then via Settings / Options / Advanced you can tick "Save all settings to ini file" and then Defraggler.ini will exist and now show the last time defraggler was run.


This will not show which drives if any were defragged - just the time stamp when defraggler could have done a defrag.

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