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DeFraggler Abort at 55 percent


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DeFraggler version 2.13.670

OS Windows XP Professional-- 32bit

Mainboard is fully populated at 2gb

Hard drive under defragmentation-- Seagate 7200 rpm Barracuda 250gb IDE



The drive being defragmented was partitioned into three differently-sized volumes-- two in NTFS and one in FAT32.


On two successive attempts to defrag the same NTFS 186gb partition (51gb free), DeFraggler aborted at 55 percent.


No other apps were running during the session. When I let DeFraggler continue to run, despite the error message (attached), the status indicator stayed on 55 percent.


The abort was a system error message, asking for permisson to send the DeFraggler crash report to Microsoft. Of course, I did not bother to bother Microsoft. For what it is worth, I was able to transcribe this much of the Error Signature-- AppName-- defraggler.exe, AppVer: ModVer: 5.1.2600.5755 Offset: 000033bc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alan_B asked, "Were you defragging System C:?"


Thank you for your response. On my system, the boot volume is L:, and the data volume I attempted to defrag is D:.


The data volume resides on an older Seagate Barracuda 7200 RPM 400 GB IDE. At least 50gb of free space exists on that volume.

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