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Video recovery from HD video camera


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Hope someone can help....I accidentally deleted some very important videos of my children from my HD video camera! I downloaded and scanned with Recuva and was very excited to see that it had found over 300 files.....so I did the recovery on all not knowing which ones were the ones I needed. When the recovery was finished I again was excited to open some of the files and see the beginning of the videos I lost....unfortunetly that was all I saw....about 2 seconds of the videos with no sound! Did I do something wrong? I am hoping I am able to get these videos as they are very dear to me! HELP

thanks you

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If you did the recovery back to the video camera that would have corrupted many of the deleted files.

If so be careful not to do that again.


Those with more knowledge than I can help you further but they will probably want to know more about your version of Windows and the make of camera, and maybe more.


You can wait for specific questions or save yourself some time by answering the above.

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