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Wrong MB temp reading, F vs C? (Speccy - v1.14.288)


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When using Speccy for my Asus P8 H67 M, it reports the motherboard temp as 89 - 90C. However, I fail to believe that it true.

The Asus UEFI utility reports the temp as ~ 33 -34C, which happens to coincide with 90-ish F.


I'm am not an expert, however I believe the MB would not get that much warmer than the 31C of the CPU, which is running and correctly (I think) reported as 31C.

I've attached a screenshot, for what it is worth.


Conversion error, somewhere?


This would not stop me from using this very useful utility, but I figured that I would report it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there,


The same thing happens here.

I've just bought a new rig, Core i7 2600 and a P8H61-M LE motherboard.

Speccy says the temperature of the motherboard is around 90C, sometimes it falls down to 70 and goes back to 88~90C.


I was worried about that, but then simply assumed that's not correct, because ASUS AI Suite says that temperature is something around 34C.


However, I use Speccy in my laptop too, and there the temperature indicator is normal (I guess).

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