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Questi sono tutti i miei suggerimenti che vorrei vedere nella prossima versione la 3.13 o dalle successive versioni


Pulizia :


Cronologia Sfondo

Memory Dump

Log Eventi Windows

Log Firewall Windows

Cronologia Debug Applicazione

Cartella temporanea dell'utente

File Cache Microsoft Office (tutte le versioni sia 32 bit sia 64 bit)

Registri Prestazione

RollBack di aggiornamento Windows

File Stampati di recente

Pulizia voci dal menù Esegui


Registro :


associazione file

collegamenti rapidi non usati


Generale :


Inserire i link della pagina di facebook e twitter sul programma stesso





These are all my suggestions that I would like to see in the next version 3.13 or later versions




Wallpaper Chronology

Memory Dump

Windows Event Log

Windows Firewall Log

Chronology Application Debugging

The user's temporary folder

Cache files, Microsoft Office (all versions both 32 bit and 64-bit)

Performance logs

RollBack Windows update

Printed files recently

Cleaning items from the Run menu




file association

unused shortcuts




Put the link of the page of facebook and twitter in the program

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CCleaner is intended to improve the operation of the computer,

not hot-link the user to sites such as Facebook

which can damage the computer with malware and harm the user by cancelling privacy settings without notice.

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If you did not know you could read my message again.

I wrote to put a link to the facebook page of pifirom, and that of Twitter, because of ccleaner is the official link of the Piriform site, since many people do not know that there are these two channels of twitter and facebook was a way to conoscere.Se viruses do not want them you should not even connect on the internet.




Se non avevi capito il mio messaggio potevi leggere di nuovo.

Ho scritto di mettere il link della pagina di facebook della pifirom, e quella di twitter, perchè su ccleaner c'è il collegamento ufficiale del sito della piriform,siccome moltissima gente non sa che esistono questi due canali di twitter e facebook era un modo per farli conoscere.Se non vuoi i virus non dovresti nemmeno connetterti su internet.

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I have no problem with anyone posting a link on Facebook to recommend the Piriform site - people there can only benefit.


So far as I am concerned Facebook has an evil owner who makes a profit from releasing information that he promised would be private,

and it is a great way to waste time and to share games and apps. that often hide malware.


There is no way that a Facebook link on CCleaner Application would make my computer cleaner or faster - there is no benefit to be gained.

If Facebook is what floats your boat then by all means make it your browsers HomePage, but please do not pollute the CCleaner Application.


I am not afraid to connect to the Internet - I have good security protection,

but I do not run the needless risks of :-


Cracked protection application sharing sites;


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guarda che facebook non è una minaccia di malware o cose simili,c'è gente che non ha cervello che si prende i virus da facebook aprendo i link infetti postati da altri deficenti come chi li apre.


se si mettono anche questi link non c'è nessun pericolo di virus o cose simili. se non ti sta bene i miei suggerimenti (perchè oltre questi dei link ce ne sono altri) non rispondere grazie



look at that facebook is not a threat of malware or the like, there are people who do not have the brain that takes the facebook virus infected by opening the links posted by others as a moron who opens them.


even if you put these links there is no risk of viruses or anything like that. if it looks good on you my suggestions (beyond these links because there are others) do not respond with


per quanto riguarda i programmi crackati

non installano virus

poi sono affari tuoi di quello che ci fai con il pc


regarding cracked programs

do not install viruses

then that's your business what you do with the pc

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