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Defraggler Explorer context defrag needs mini report info


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Another thought I have, because I use the Defraggler Windows Explorer context right-click option daily.


Please add a mini report line of results to the context menu right click Defragment operation.


I know this should be possible, because the context menu right click Check Fragmentation operation currently comes back with a mini-report of something like:


Processing finished.
There are 0 fragmented files (0 fragments)
Processing finished.
There are 1 fragmented files (18 fragments)


So what I would love to see, is after it has finished defragmenting via the context menu right click, is a mini report of the actual results of the defragmentation operation.


Currently, Defraggler (2.7.0) always states "Defrag Complete" when it finishes Explorer context menu defragment operation. Regardless of whether anything was defragmented or not.

So it is misleading in the sense that, if nothing was fragmented there in the first place, then no action was actually taken.


Better would be a mini report stating something like "nn files defragmented" with nn value being number of files actually defragmented (since it does know).

And perhaps "no files needed defragmenting" or "0 files degragmented - none needed" when none of the files attempted needed any defragmenting.


[Windows XP Pro SP3. Defraggler 2.7.0]




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