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delete file name visible in recuva


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Windows 2K system


In an effort to do a privacy thing, I deleted a file using "Sure Delete" to overwrite the file data. While the file and fle name are not visible in the recycle bin, the file name IS visible when I run recuva. I verified that the data is gone, however, the file name persists. I did an internet search asking to delete a file name and see references to the MFT that Windows NTFS uses for the file system, however, I do not know how to locate or operate on the MFT.


How can I delete/scrub a file name that has no file associated with it (i.e., ENTIRELY delete a file and its name?)


I think a hex editor would do this (Axe or similar), however, I do not know where the (MFT) is (if that is the solution). Where do I look?





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You can't remove file names from the MFT with Recuva. If you're a CCleaner user, use the Wipe MFT option in Options/Settings. If not, it's as easy to download and use as any alternative software. Using a hex editor on the MFT would be suicide. For your pc, that is.

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Hi Auegas,


Thanks for the reply. I accept that directly messing with the MFT is a no-no. My question is this:


Some time ago, I deleted a file using Shift-Delete. Recently I looked at the results from Recuva and see that the filename is still in the MFT although the file is id'd as unrecoverable. I flagged it and ran recuva, after which a file with that name appeared at the destination, unusable as a file. I then ran ccleaner with the MFT option and it truly disappeared, including the filename, from the recuva scan.


So, the above procedure worked. Is there a direct way to erase directly from recuva?





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